I believe in democracy, true democracy, by, for and of the People.
Not by for and of the party.
"They're all the same-doesn't matter who you vote for"
Half of us don't even bother to vote
Bums on seats that's what it's all about, so get yours down to the polling station on Election Day and vote for me and I promise you one thing I won't be, is the same. Or do what you usually do, sit at home and play no part in the electoral process. Do that though, and don't come moaning to me or anyone else about the way the country's run. You'll get what you deserve.
You want a protest vote, fine. You want someone to stand up in parliament and tell them we have had enough, fine.
You want a people's champion, fine. Vote for me.
You want more of the same-vote for anyone else or do what you normally do, don't bother.
They will all tell you that only they can sort it, that their party is better that the others and that they will do a better job.
Me, I tell you now, I haven't got all the answers, but I promise you this, I might not be better but I can't possibly be worse.
Only an Independent will support a good idea or oppose a bad one in Parliament, irrespective of any party policy.
Martin Bell has shown us that you do not have to be a Party or a 'yes man' to make a difference.
If you want Salisbury to have a voice in Westminster, I'm your man.
If elected, I will hold my surgeries on our streets, at markets, car boot sales, pubs, clubs and shopping centers, making him more approachable than any of our current MPs.
An Independent does not subscribe to any Party's policies; he or she will fight for what they know to be the wishes of the electorate.
I will make it my business to find out what you want, and as an Independent would not be tied to any Party Whip as to whether I support it or not.
Arthur, if elected, would represent YOU not this Party or that, and only Arthur as an Independent will ask the government, whoever controls it, the awkward questions that no other opposition member can. A peoples (not a party) champion
Only Arthur Pendragon can fight for Salisbury with an Independent voice
Not by for and of the party.
"They're all the same-doesn't matter who you vote for"
Half of us don't even bother to vote
Bums on seats that's what it's all about, so get yours down to the polling station on Election Day and vote for me and I promise you one thing I won't be, is the same. Or do what you usually do, sit at home and play no part in the electoral process. Do that though, and don't come moaning to me or anyone else about the way the country's run. You'll get what you deserve.
You want a protest vote, fine. You want someone to stand up in parliament and tell them we have had enough, fine.
You want a people's champion, fine. Vote for me.
You want more of the same-vote for anyone else or do what you normally do, don't bother.
They will all tell you that only they can sort it, that their party is better that the others and that they will do a better job.
Me, I tell you now, I haven't got all the answers, but I promise you this, I might not be better but I can't possibly be worse.
Only an Independent will support a good idea or oppose a bad one in Parliament, irrespective of any party policy.
Martin Bell has shown us that you do not have to be a Party or a 'yes man' to make a difference.
If you want Salisbury to have a voice in Westminster, I'm your man.
If elected, I will hold my surgeries on our streets, at markets, car boot sales, pubs, clubs and shopping centers, making him more approachable than any of our current MPs.
An Independent does not subscribe to any Party's policies; he or she will fight for what they know to be the wishes of the electorate.
I will make it my business to find out what you want, and as an Independent would not be tied to any Party Whip as to whether I support it or not.
Arthur, if elected, would represent YOU not this Party or that, and only Arthur as an Independent will ask the government, whoever controls it, the awkward questions that no other opposition member can. A peoples (not a party) champion
Only Arthur Pendragon can fight for Salisbury with an Independent voice
Arthur Pendragon, Druid Priest and Swordbearer, was brought up in Aldershot He served with the Royal Hampshire Regiment, receiving Exemplary Conduct upon discharge. He is qualified for Mensa, and is a well known public speaker at many of our Universities.
He was employed as a political columnist for The Esher News and Mail and has written for the Western Daily Press and co-authored a book about his exploits and that of his Order in challenging Her Majesty's Government and the authorities over Stonehenge and many other environmental issues.
He left school at fifteen and has had a varied career, including working as General Foreman for a Parish Council and Senior Supervisor for Hampshire and Surrey County Councils on the Basingstoke Canal restoration project, and at one time was he was a General Forman for a major management contractor, running a £6 million and a £9 million contracts.
Well known in Salisbury as an environmental campaigner and political activist, who is not afraid to put himself in the front line, he was arrested along with a Labour MP and a Member of the Scottish Parliament as well as Catholic Priests, Church of Scotland Ministers and members of the Scottish Nationalist Party, campaigning for nuclear disarmament. He was also arrested on another occasion showing solidarity with the workers on the March for Social Justice.
And answers and thought by Arthur Pendragon Independent
A mix and match, of what works, with a smattering of common sense. Sadly lacking in Party Politics
We know Arthur has campaigned long and hard for improvements at Stonehenge, but what do the rest of the candidates feel about the new proposed visitors centre?
Which of the other candidates, if elected, will back Arthur's call for the return of the ancient human remains taken from Stonehenge?
First appeared in The Western Daily press, Entitled, who's Guarding the Guardians
On the twenty ninth of August two thousand and eight, cremated Human remains were removed from Stonehenge, in a sad little Tupperware box. They had originally been excavated from the 'Aubury holes' encircling the Henge, between nineteen nineteen and nineteen twenty six.
The chard fragments of bone where re-interred into one of the excavated pits, (Aubury hole seven} in the nineteen thirties and it was this cache that the Archaeologists re-exhumed as part of the 'Riverside project in 2008.
Pagans and Druids were asked to 'bless' the dig, but on learning that the archaeologists had no intention of returning the remains. (referred to by the Pagans as the Guardians), to their resting place at Stonehenge, they refused. For, after all, as the archaeologists themselves asserted, they had laid there for thousands of years before their disturbance in the early twenties.
Enter King Arthur Pendragon, Frank Summers, and Kazz Smith, three Druids so appalled at the prospect of these ancient remains being permanently removed from the Sacred Site they had guarded since before time in memorial, that they set about challenging the decisions that allowed this unacceptable development.
Frank, as is his forte set about finding what right for redress, was provided to challenge under British Law, looking also into the funding of such projects and where pressure, if any, could be brought to bear.
Arthur and Kazz for their part took the message to the people as part of their 'Stonehenge Picket' for better access at Stonehenge. They also fired the first shot in their battle with the authorities, by invading the temple at night for a 'naked'Ritual. Vowing to fight for the Guardians return, a vow they would later renew at a full Druid ceremony Vernal equinox 2009, and again a year and a day later at Aubury hole seven.
The morning after the 'naked Ritual' a meeting was hastily called, the senior archaeologists and disgruntled Druids attending with attendees from English Heritage who manage the site.
The archaeologists for their part put the case for retaining the remains for future research and informed the druids that they would apply for 'variance' to the existing order that allowed them two years for analysis.
The Druids for their part suggested retaining a sample for future analysis or looking into the possibility of reburial in air tight biodegradable plastic containers so, should forensics move on in the next century as the scientists would have us believe then they could be re exhumed, before returning to the earth, the archaeologists disagreed.
They did agree however (later to be put in writing) to inform the Druid, in good time to appeal, to the Dept' of Justice, who would be granting such an order. By all accounts a 'rubber stamp formality.
The Stonehenge Picket came to a close after the government intervened with the promise of a new visitors centre and better access for all.
Still the Archaeologists insisted on retaining the remains for future testing, still the archaeologists refused to listen to the pleas' of Arthur, Frank and Kazz to return the guardians to what should have been their final resting place.
So, on the sixth of June 2009 the three Druids reinstated the Stonehenge Picket. Robed Druids, Banners flying, enlisting the support of, unsuspecting, and in the main, ill-informed, tourists.
Many archaeologists visited the 'Picket' and many came to agree with the Druids position, from Inspectors of scheduled monuments to Heads of Dept', it is even rumored that the co-director of the 'dig' in question is sporting a Druid 'Bring back the ancient Dead' badge. As are a number of English Heritage employees at Stonehenge and wider a field.
There is no great animosity between the two camps and the Druids are regularly updated on the progress made at the lab of Sheffield University where it has been ascertained that all where male and in relatively good health. All that remains now is to carbon date them and return them to the temple they once guarded according to the Druids petition.
To show this was and is, not a purely Druid or Pagan issue religion was included on the petition aimed at the Dept' of Justice, who will decide as to whether or not the Archaeologists may retain the remains permanently. Nationality was also included to show how widespread was and is, the belief in what the Druids called 'common decency'"Let those we lay at rest-stay at rest reads their banner.
They're still there, at Stonehenge, the Druids gathering signatures,
Agnostic, Anglican, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Evangelist, Spiritualist, Druid, Hindu, Jew, signing alongside Presbyterian, Unitarian, Taoist, Islam, Muslim, Sikh, to name but a few. People from every Nation and every faith agreeing without ranker on this one issue. If only their leaders could see it the same (or should that be sane) way,
It looks like the Druids have happened upon the Alchemical mix that could eventually lead to World Peace. Common Decency-respecting the Dead, the one thing WE can all agree on. It's a start…..
Copyright 2009
Arthur Pendragon
What would the candidates do to restore faith in our politicians?
You are never going to undo the damage that has been done by the expenses scandal and the distrust of our government's (who-ever controls it) decision making policy. I for one think it's time for some payback and will donate 10% of my salary to Salisbury based charities and as a new MP and an Independent with no axe to grind look at the whole sorry system with fresh eyes.
Let's face it, it's up to us the people to reform it, they're not going to, it's not in their interest. Oh they'll tweak it here and there but if it's real change you want, then it's going to take someone like me, who's not tied to any party to get up in the House and keep shouting until they listen.
Are the candidates in favour of retaining our nuclear arsenal?
No, scrap 'em and if we have to keep our boys in Afghanistan use the savings on providing them with decent kit. Evan Regan was willing to consider the zero option, what happened? They'll tell you it's a deterrent, but has no-one told them the cold war is over and we lost; the Russians own our football teams.
What do the candidates feel is to be gained by our continued presence in Afghanistan?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, if there is any direct correlating between International terrorism and Afghanistan, it is as a direct result of our and our American cousins Foreign policy and bully boy tactics. Sticking our nose in where it's not wanted and trying to Tell the rest of the world how it should behave. And the hypocrisy involved, Weapons of mass destruction? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
We have a highly trained and well respected volunteer Army, in my opinion one of the best in the world and we use them to do what, policing duties. Send them in as part of NATO or UN forces to carry out specific operations, job done; get them the hell out of there. Let them do what they train for. Clear Exit strategy, not difficult - stop meddling in other countries politics and baby-sitting fledgling democracies (most of which are suspect) 'till we get our own right.
How would the candidates lead us out of the present recession?
We're an Island and we have become a nation of service industries and pen pushers. It's about time we got back to production. I would do everything in my power to see that we were encouraged to produce and to buy British and if that means higher surcharges on cheap foreign imports so be it.
We will never be able to compete with cheap foreign imports until we are competing on a level playing field, we should put our energies into campaigning for an International minimum wage.
Bigger isn't always better. Let's get back to local trade and local ownership and responsibility.
Local and seasonal produce sold locally. Stop pretending to be a world super-power and see ourselves for what we are a small collection of Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Europe. Stop trying to put the world to rights and concentrate our energies where they belong, on this once, Green and pleasant land.
Stop making new laws for the sake of it and stop eroding our civil liberties. To make this country safe from any perceived terrorist threat they would have us not only the most photographed and recorded but the most restricted. What price Freedom? The more they erode our civil liberties in the supposed name of democracy and freedom, the less free we actually are.
There is not a corner of our lives that the state does not exercise some control over, and all successive governments seem to do is bring in more controls, and more and more targets and paperwork, creating an army of pen-pushers, office manager and administrators. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
A typical case of self fulfilling prophecies and wrong thinking by our illustrious leaders was effectively giving the local authorities the power to raise stealth taxes by parking charges. The more you enforce it-the more you have to-the more wardens or ambassadors you need-the higher the wage bill-the more revenue you need to collect.
Still the more wardens you employ the less people claiming job seekers, closer to home, can someone tell me why half the revenue collected from the county of Wiltshire comes from one city, yes you guessed it Salisbury.
We must laud our present governments investment and commitment into the development of off shore wind farms but we must question their practice of granting contracts to foreign competitors. We must get our once Great Nation back to production.
That said, there is so much more to be done and so much that has been done to exacerbate the problem, like the blind stupidity that allowed the post office to take the Mail off the rails, and allowing the local planning authorities to follow the failed American model of bigger and bigger out of town hypermarkets that kill our high street trade and cause extra car journeys and greater carbon emissions.
We have to discourage the Chelsea tractor on the School run. Not everything that comes across the pond is bad or wrong for this country, let's learn from our American cousins and encourage the school bus.
Much has been done to address the problems of pollution but there is much more that can be achieved by way of recycling and re-use, if the government is going to keep legislating then let them legislate against all the over packaging and the mountain of unnecessary paperwork created daily, and what about all this 'junk mail' who's off setting their carbon footprint?
Everyone should have access to higher education, but what is the point in training up degree students in such great numbers that the local 'shop girl' has a degree in the sciences and the dustman one in philosophy while our kids can barely read and write.
Why not limit the numbers of students we train up to a realistic level of job expectancy in that particular field (how many Archaeologists does a country need) ? It's not rocket science, but I have no doubt, our cleaners probably have a degree in it. Then use the extra funds and resources saved to make sure our school leaver have a decent level of education?
Common sense really, Something we all know instinctively, something sadly lacking in the way successive governments have 'tinkered' with our education system, changing the syllabus and insisting on tests and targets, and pandering to the great God of political correctness. No, if it isn't broke don't fix it, and if it is get it sorted.
Parking ambassadors, Private Security companies, Park Wardens, Wheel Clampers and any amount of other uniformed pseudo-officials telling us - 'we can't do this' and 'we can't do that' and invariably fining us if we do.
Where did this come from, successive governments effectively privatising our policing and raising stealth taxes to pay for the privilege, and to raise funds to pay for this ever growing private army. Our police do a good job on the whole and are trained to do it.
These guys though, what's it all about, creating jobs to hide the true unemployment figures? 'Jobs worth's' on the whole. Do we need them? Are they necessary to our quality of life? These are the questions we should ask, not how many more laws can we bring in, and how much more work can we give them.
Leave the policing to the police, it's what we pay them for, and stop making their work harder by continually re-writing the law.
Why is bigger always better, what happened to our cottage hospitals and local Doctors living and working in the community they serve. Not cost effective they'll tell you, but we're supposed to believe that great unwieldy administrative institutions are, with tier after tier of office managers and administrators. We want more healers and fewer pen pushers.
(You'd be surprised to see how little has changed in ten years, or not.)
Brave New World, or much of a muchness? Either way it most certainly is a new millennium or rather a different one since last I wrote a Rant. And how have I been spending time this new millennium? Well from my point of view it's much of a muchness.
Apart from sporting a new beard for the new millennium (I shaved the last one off on the last day of the old one) very little has changed. A little Multi faith Multi Cultural work with a London based project, A little public ritual, A little bit of writing and a little bit of environmental protest work, visiting the now common and almost obligatory anti Roads Protest camp.
Something however has changed. When visiting the protest site, I found myself not only listening to the opposing point of view but agreeing where there was common ground.
Sure, the village in question needs a by-pass, but to destroy ancient woodland and to use it as an excuse for what could be yet another super highway (and an orbital round an orbital). Still begs the question - What happens when a by-pass meets another coming the other way? It is obviously neither satisfactory nor sustainable to continue in this manner.
Looking back at the science fiction of yesteryear and their vision of the twenty first century, we see castles in the air, whole cities built on stilts. We see whole communities living underground in subterranean cities and great mono rail systems linking them together. We see electric and solar powered vehicles, great domed cities with artificial weather and we see visions of a plush green landscape above or below Mans footprints on the planet. We see and have seen many innovative ideas. But what happened to them and why hasn't and isn't science fiction becoming science fact as so often has happened in the past.
Forward thinking planning seems to me to have been pushed aside for short term stop gaps for no other than financial consideration and any person, or group who opposes or speak out against such irrational thinking is to be discredited or outlawed.
I spoke previously of the new terrorism act and stated that it was to be aimed at peaceful protest and Eco-warriors. Paranoia, I was told. Well if that is the case, why in the provisions is there a reference (Sec 116) to tents or temporary structures or dwellings. I, for my part have never heard of random bombers or snipers advertising their presence with tents or temporary structures. It is quite obviously a reference to the peaceful protest movement and the Eco warriors- who oppose developments and extra roads.
Last week I sat out all night to observe the Luna eclipse; it was definitely eclipsed, all night as it goes, by cloud. Still, made the effort however disappointing or anti climatic the event and at the end of the day that is all we can do. Make the effort, go that extra mile and give it your best and if our best is not good enough, well at least we tried.
Blessed Be 'till next time
King Arthur Pendragon
I have always believed, despite its drawbacks, that we have one of the best Judicial systems in the World, but have never felt the same way about our Penal system. I do not believe prison the necessarily the better option, far better to make the punishment fit the crime.
Taking freedom away from say, Hostage takers is quite fitting but surely it would be far better to deprive offenders of the same type of goods and chattels they deprive others of. And were fraud is concerned take from them the moneys they would take from others.
That to one side for a moment. What exactly does prison achieve? Does it rehabilitate? In most cases, I would say No. Does it Punish? Perhaps, but at great cost to the Taxpayer and often at no great hardship to the perpetrators of the crime but to his / her family and friends.
A colleague of mine recently came out of prison, on License after two years of a four year sentence. He was promptly arrested for taking photographs of an eviction on a protest site. A terribly minor offence in our supposed Free democratic society but sufficient in the Home Offices view to revoke his license and to send him back to prison to finish the remainder of his four year sentence. Will this discourage him from taking photographs of Heavy Handed policing? No, but it will cost the Tax Payers thousands of pounds, why? Not to rehabilitate and not really to punish but just - cause 'rules is rules, me Lud' - No, it's more than sheer bloody mindedness, its fear!
And what are they so scared of? Why, that would be free thinking Individuals with a common cause, real democracy. Still, I dare say we can't blame them for trying to maintain the Status Quo and look after their Jobs for the Boys, but to what lengths will they go? And how free really are we once we've upset there little apple cart.
As an Eco Warrior and Political activist (incidentally I'm leading a Political March on Winchester early next month, check it out on the news), I would be surprised if Big Brother wasn't tapping my phone, and as a Taxpayer (VAT) I would be annoyed if they weren't.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Spring is in the air; well it certainly is for me anyway. Having taken part in Druid Rituals at Avebury, Stonehenge, London, - Yes; and even one for the Big Breakfast television programme - I seem to be all Ritualed out.
You may remember I informed you of a colleague of mine who had his licence revoked by the Home Office and was returned to prison simply for taking photographs of an eviction at a protest site. Well, it seems that common sense has prevailed, and he is once again at liberty.
That is of course largely due to his Loyal supporters, who fought diligently for his Freedom, from the outside. It does make one wonder however, what about others not in such a position who have No one to champion their cause and thus see that Justice is done?
Spring however is not a time for Cynicism but a time for new life and hope. Hope for a future we may all share in, for a future free from oppression. A future in which we can all be truly Free.
There is a long way to go before we can achieve such a future and we must always be diligent less we become complacent.
But if a Cynical Old War horse like me can see new hope for the future, then Spring is most definitely in the air.
Looking forward to the Summer, it is my hope that this year will see an end to the 'Them and Us' mentality at Stonehenge and once again Druids and Pilgrims alike will be allowed their religious observance, as indeed they are at Spring, Autumn. and Winter. For in reality there truly is No 'Them and Us'. They are merely Us who haven't realised it yet.
Apart from the Druid Rituals and occasional TV appearances I am kept fairly busy with protest marches and alike.
Much more of my work these days tends to be of a diplomatic nature, Public speaking and behind the scenes Conflict resolution. Not really what I had in mind for a Druid Battle Chieftain but it is indicative of the way of things and there will come a time when young Warriors will replace me on the Battlefield (Protest sites) but each to their season, and that time has yet to come and, who knows, we may move into an age of reason where there is no need for protest, peaceful or otherwise, let us hope that will be the case.
But for now, perhaps I could leave you with this thought;-
Look not to that which divides us. Look not to what makes us dissimilar.
Look instead to what Unites, and what Similarities we share.
And in doing so look to that spark of the infinite which is in each and every one of us.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Once again it's that time of year when the Party People come out to play, trying to get you to vote for this party or that in the local elections. Personally I only ever vote for myself, (joke) running as I do as an Independent candidate, so I guess I'll get out canvassing, well leafleting any way.
Politics to one side for a moment, I attended a meeting recently with English Heritage and Wiltshire Constabulary to discuss the possibility of the opening of Stonehenge for the Celebratory Ritual of the Mid-Summer Solstice Dawn 2000.
Will they, or won't they? And if they do, will it include every pilgrim who attends as I and several other Druids have been fighting for and campaigning for many years now?
For the answers to these and many other questions, watch for the Official English Heritage Press release coming out soon.
Beltane is coming upon us. From a Pagan point of view that's the real party (forget the political ones) and I'll be off to Avebury and Glastonbury taking part in and officiating at Public Rituals.
On a lighter note, or one actually quite serious one, here's something that I came across quite recently that will give you food for thought.
This is what the Dali Lama had to say on the millennium. It takes a few seconds to read and think. You might like to pass it on.
Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Follow the three R's: Respect for self, respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a most wonderful stroke of luck
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realise you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it
Spend some time alone every day.
Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honourable life. Then, when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don't bring up the past.
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
Be gentle with the earth.
Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for exceeds you need for each other.
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Buddhism may not be your religion or belief system, but as a Witch friend once said to me, good words are good words; it doesn't matter where they come from - it is the intent with which they are used
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
It is good to see that the Peace Process in Northern Ireland seems to be back on track thanks to David Trimble who, it would seem, is not afraid to put his job on the line and take risks for the benefit of the whole, and that our Para's have returned safely from Africa.
Good news also to see New Labour setting increased targets for recycling, but not so good to see an increase in the proposed use of incineration which is no better than landfill and, in point of fact worse for the environment.
It would be really useful if our Prime Minister and his family were to take a lead on environmental issues such as landfill and incineration and what better way than by example.
Perhaps they should consider putting baby Leo in old-fashioned rather than disposable nappies - it is not as though they could not afford the laundry service is it?
Other environmental issues raised of late seem to centre around GM crops.
We hear that up to 10 per cent of the imported rape seed from Canada could be infected despite their government setting a distance of one mile between GM and normal crops - and yet our Government still insists that 100 yards is adequate.
Then there is the news that genetically enhanced cod are larger (no surprise there) but that scientists working with computer simulation seem to show the bigger fish attract more mates (again no surprise there).
Then they would, if interbred, be in a position to out breed the normal cod, but guess what? The offspring, we are told would not be virile. Guess what's next? That's right, no more cod.
In truth not enough research has gone into the whole field of genetic modification and any testing should be carried out with great care or under laboratory conditions because, let's face it, by the time it is in the food chain and crossed with normal crops if anything is wrong it is too late.
And why our government subsidises rape crops is beyond me - surely there is no great need for such amounts of oil?
Travelling through our countryside one cannot but notice the increase in the field after field of rape crops. Why?
Perhaps it is because the oil is easy and cheap to store. Another case of cash crops, putting profit first and what is actually important far down the list.
Importing and exporting are sometimes necessary and obviously good for trade but isn't it about time our island race, with precious little manufacturing industry left, started growing what we actually need to consume and then store up what we may export later - or am I missing something here?
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Well I guess if the Press coverage is anything to go by, we pulled it off. Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2000, Free and open access for All, no arrests, not even myself. A ninth degree Dungeon. Nine years running for my annual game of Dungeons and Dragons with Wiltshire Constabulary, Salisbury Police cells being the Dungeon and me the Dragon, Pendragon, or Battle Chieftain. Still all things must come to an end and we must now look to the future rather than dwell in the past.
There is hope for this Nation yet, if mad Druids in white frocks, Witches in Black ones, Crusty old Hippies and die-hard Punks can get it on with Job's worth security and Coppers, and little old ladies from Essex and a great time can be had my all, then anything's possible...
It took a lot of negotiations to make it possible and a lot of give and take on all sides, but in a spirit of mutual trust and openness it came to be.
For my part, I led the' Robes' down from the temporary car park. When it came time for us to go in, we the 'Robes' made an arch with our staffs and staves and welcomed the people into the Field that houses our Temple, Stonehenge. Six Thousand people came to celebrate the Solstice at Stonehenge, each with their own personal reason for being there, and six thousand people went away having had a joyous celebration.
Throughout the night many Ceremonies took place and many of the people took part in many of them. Around three o'clock The Kings Drums, from east London University turned up and with drumming and dance they led a fiery torch lit procession around the Stones.
Like the parting of the sea, in biblical proportions at the time of Dawn the crowds parted and I found myself in the centre circle. There was much I could have done or said when the drums died down for me to speak. I merely thanked the many tribes for attending and reminded them that it was and is their Henge, led them in a quick Druids Oath, 'We swear by peace and love to stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. Mark Oh Spirit and hear us now, confirming this our sacred vow', and withdrew.
Later when it was time to leave, and the majority had already done so, I returned to the centre circle and dropped in behind a young girl Piper who led us out. Nothing was contrived and the whole evening was organic in nature. English Heritage's stewards and security were very relaxed as were Wiltshire Constabulary, and Peace broke out at Stonehenge....
Blessed be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Mayburgh Henge, in Cumbria is an Ancient Sacred Site about 4000 years old. The eastern entrance frames King Arthur's Round Table, another ancient site in the vicinity. Close by, to the south is a smaller site called the Little Round Table. The whole area is an Ancient Ceremonial Site, which is of special spiritual significance to present-day Pagans.
Add to this the addition of a new Christian Stone to celebrate the millennium and you have a recipe for confrontation and disaster.
In the interests of peace and multi-faith I was asked to act in the ancient Druid role of Peace Maker, and in the role of Pagan Priest to lead a Ritual to welcome the New Stone.
Also, in the role of Warrior King to make our presence known at the Christian dedication ceremony.
Three purposes and three intents and at the end of the day well: There was to be a Christian dedication ceremony and picnic on the Sunday afternoon. I had traveled up from Cardiff to Cumbria by coach the day before. Having got a feel for the place on Saturday evening, I retired to the local hostelry, where I was booked in for the night. We had not been there long before I caught a glimpse of our boys in blue (fluorescent jackets these days) in the foyer. Aware that the local press had been setting up a possible confrontation over my ceremonial sword and aware also that I did not have about my person the usual documentation for Excalibur and only too aware that I had decloaked and the sword was thus in plain view, so it came as no surprise when I was told that there was someone who would like a quiet word with me.
What was surprising however was their attitude. I explained about the sword and ritual dagger, which was also in plain view. But this was most certainly by the by and not the purpose of their visit. The local representative of English Heritage whom we, (myself and ASLaN) had met with earlier, had directed the police to the local pub, where he knew we would be.
The police merely wished to discuss our itinerary and plans for the following day and to ask what assistance they may be. It was pointed out to them that low key policing should be the order of the day, and should any of the Christian contingents be or get out of order (hecklers), the police would be well advised to mediate through their ministers, dog collars and frocks. And likewise and in like manner if any of the Pagans were seen to be disruptive, we, ASLaN T-shirts and white frocks could be relied on to mediate in the first instance.
After the police left the hotel, a small number of us returned to the standing stone at Mayburgh Henge, a circle was cast and magic was wrought.
The next day, around noon, as planned, I led a ceremony in which we, the Pagans now numbering about 40, went to welcome and dedicate the Christian stone, situated outside (although still dominating) the Henge. The press were there trying to hype up confrontation. I merely pointed out to them that whilst the site of the stone was not what we would have preferred, we were not there for confrontation but to show a peaceful and silent protest and presence and that Father, Son and Holy Ghost can be read equally as Mother, Maiden and Crone.
By the time the Christians, led by an Archbishop, came to do their dedication and picnic, we were to all intense and purposes on the moral high ground silhouetted on the skyline, we stood passively on the bank above them. They had been expecting five thousand participants and indeed billed the picnic as the feeding of the five thousand. In reality they got about three hundred and fifty.
It varied between scenes from Zulu and Ben Hurr, depending upon your perspective. Each Church or group of Churches came in to the field below us, standards raised like something from the Roman Imperial Army. We stood upon the bank looking down upon them and we too bore standards. My Royal Standard and Battle Standard flanked me as I stood all in white, robes flowing and drizzle falling.
When all the Churches and their followers had marched into the field below a sole figure was seen climbing the bank, breaking ranks to speak with me before the Bishop and the Cannon delivered their address.
He told me that he was on the Church committee and had been against the imposition of a Christian cross on a Pagan site, said he respected us for our beliefs, as did I him, for his. I handed him some of our literature including support from we had from other Christian ministries.
We stood in silence throughout their service and as they picnicked, as if by some prearranged signal, I mooned at the Archbishop, shackled my Sword back on and we filed away.
It is worth noting that Mooning at the Arch-Bishop had the effect of defusing an otherwise volatile situation and was far better than some of the suggested alternatives which included a would-be 'Girlie' streaker.
Blessed be
King Arthur Pendragon
Those of you who read last month's Rant will remember that last month I returned from Cumbria where I was called in at the end of a long debate as to whether a Christian Cross should be placed on a Pagan Site.
Well this month I have returned from Ireland having taken time out after Stonehenge to tour the Emerald Isle and to meet with like minded spirits (Druids and Pagans) and again was confronted with and by the same problem.
Some years ago (1980) an Irish American returned from The New World, where he had made his fortune and left monies in plenty to honour his God. Dynamiting an ancient Pagan Cairn (burial chamber) atop a hill and placing a Great Illuminated Cross set in Concrete. The Locals love it and Pagans see it as Imperialist, stamping their seal and desecrating the ancient Cairn.
It occurs to me that certain sites (the land itself) are in some way sacred to Man and that as a result throughout the ages we have revered such places and honoured whatever Gods we believe in at such sites.
And that God / Goddess, infinite spirit goes by many names and symbols and that prayer and intent are all that really matter.
Some sites where undoubtedly 'Taken' for political consideration and yes, there is an element of Imperialism stamping out of the old with the new. But for whatever reasons it legitimises what has gone before and can with a sense of continuance.
And whatever your religion or belief system there is a feeling that is good to pay your respects and honour your God/dess's at a place or site where others have done likewise in their own manner since time began.
This is the benchmark with which to work. The sacredness of the site far exceeds the reverence with which this group or that holds it holy.
One such site under threat is the Nine Ladies stone circle in Derbyshire, threatened by quarrying and I'm off to see if I can 'stir up some tro" raise some awareness for that.
Blessed Be
or in the immortal words of Dave Allen,
"May your God go with you"
King Arthur Pendragon
So here it is, the September rant, as autumn is upon us I am aware of not only the seasonal changes but the life changes that come with it, when we enter the autumn of our lives. At forty six I am acutely aware of the failings of my physical body. No longer can I do that which I was able at nineteen.
Watching our athletes and those of other nations performing in the Olympics brings to mind what might have been rather than what yet may be, as is the case with the adolescent who would view the same event through different eyes.
When we enter the autumn of our lives it is a time for sombre reflection, a time to take stock, to look back at our past achievements. It is not a time for sadness but can so easily be thought of as such (midlife crisis).
We must always look to the future, and in the autumn of our lives take stock and negotiate from a position of strength (our past achievements) and walk forward in pride.
Should we reach this stage and look back upon our life and see nought, then we must simply achieve a more spiritual or intellectual rather than physical attainment.
A reflective time seasonally, one in which the leaves fall from the trees to make way, in the passing of time, for the shooting of the new buds of spring. For life as in fact with everything is a cycle. Death and rebirth, the old giving way to the new.
When Autumn has passed and winter sets in and it is time to stand aside and make way then, with the wisdom of age, we may do so gracefully. Thus is the natural order of things.
It is an unfortunate part of the human (and natural) condition that many of us are taken in the Summer of our youth and fail achieve the wisdom that comes only with the passing seasons of our life.
Whatever your age and circumstance, be true to yourself, see the good in others for what it is and more importantly live and love life to its full potential.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Three to five hundred words once a month, the occasional article for Pagan magazines, not a lot to ask. Well all that has changed, guess I'm doing more writing. I've just been commissioned to co-author a book. Don't worry though, this is not a plug. It won't even be out 'till 2002.
The subject - Something learned from a Druidic point of view? No. Something spiritual then? No. Then perhaps something political? No. Then what? Actually it will be elements of all the above. Not sure what form it will take yet as I will be working with someone else, but for my part it will take the part of auto-biography. Some idiot is going to pay me (royalties if it sells) to write about myself, it's a funny old world.
Seriously though, as the dark nights draw in.
How many of us actually curl up with a good (or even a bad) book as opposed to television, games consoles or the internet?
Obviously I'm speaking to those who do, read that is, but how many others don't, not even the local paper? When it comes to books I tend to flick through, or for the most part rely on reference books rather than a good novel.
There is something about a good read that fires and inspires the imagination rather than rely on graphic programmes to generate these images for us and it would be a shame to see the book relegated to history by all the technology now at our fingertips.
With petrol rises, rail track in disarray and possible actions against the oil refineries, transport chaos looks likely this coming winter. So you never know, we may even get the chance to curl up with the proverbial book after all. It's just a pity we live in an age when invariably we'll be doing it in the most part under artificial light.
Anyway, I'm off to the West Country for more rounds of talks with the authorities over Stonehenge access, Samhain (Halloween) celebrations and I'll be ranting again next month until then,
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Last Saturday I gave the alternative Presidential address at the National Pagan Federation conference, (not bad considering, that I am not even a member), next Saturday I will be giving a talk at The London School of Economics and Political Sciences, and on Thursday I will be filming for channel four Television, (Prime time TV), to be transmitted at six O'clock on Christmas day. A Time Team special. On the Historical King Arthur, who knows I may even Knight, Sir Baldrick.
Next year I am already booked for several National Pagan events and have recently been appointed Steward Coordinator free and open access at Stonehenge for next Summer Solstice. Not bad for the "Nutter, who thinks he's King Arthur" Most of the above would not have touched me with the proverbial barge pole a year or two ago.
Which brings me to the question why now? Some of it certainly smacks of the Old School Tie, (not that I wear one) network, and some undoubtedly,' not what, but who you know'. I would of course, like to think that I had in one way or another, earned their respect, but am realistic enough to realise that if you shout loud enough and long enough, sooner or later someone will listen and if your message is valid sooner or later they will ask you to repeat it.
With the conference on Climatic Changes breaking down without agreement, perhaps it is time for someone, a senior statesman or woman, on the World stage to stand up and shout loudly about the issues that affect us all.
And more importantly, perhaps it is time for us as Nations to put our petty differences to one side for the benefit of the common good. The Protestors at the Climate conference who were given the chance to speak out, did themselves and their cause a dis-service by walking out, for only by talking and discussion can we find common ground, and only by finding common ground may we resolve the issues and thus move forward.
We have a clear choice. Accept climate changes and the chaos that it will inevitably cause in the future or discuss ways in which we can alleviate the problem. Whatever the choice we must put People and Planet above Profit, Less there inevitably will be no People and Planet left to worry about.
I shall continue preparing for the Winter Solstice celebrations, in my tradition whilst many of you continue preparing for the Christmas celebrations in yours. You see, we are not so very different after all.
Blessed Be.
King Arthur Pendragon
Recently I was approached by local residents in Wiltshire, who are concerned at their local Church selling off land that was left in trust for the use of commoners to developers and for financial gain (the proverbial church roof fund).
Well it turned out that an Augustan monk, by the name of Martin Luther, had his own grievances with the church and in 1517 at Samhain incidentally (Halloween, 31st October). He took his list of 95 grievances and nailed them to the church door.
The locals were opposed to the sale for a number of reasons. It necessitated the destruction of ancient hedgerows, proposed housing to be built on green belt land. Land on which, in fact had ancient grazing rights (that in the 21st century equates to somewhere to walk your dogs or to take your children for a picnic on a sunny day). In other words, the local community used the land in question for recreational purposes.
A plan was hatched whereby the local residents would get together 95 signatories opposed to the scheme. It's worth noting here that the sale was to go through on the 15th December. My idea was in the style of Luther, to nail said signatories to the church door. For my part, I would raise Druid, Pagan and Warrior (protest) support on Saturday the 9th December, in order to highlight the local's opposition to this scheme and gain the media's attention in order to shame the Church into non-completion of the sale.
The locals assured me that they were even prepared to raise the money for the proverbial church roof rather than see the land sold off to a developer, a cunning plan mayhap. However, it unravelled. The reason?
"It's too near Christmas, we're too busy, but we'd still like your support, How about in the New Year sometime?"
The local Pagans were still up for it, but decided against it, for without local support it would appear a holy war between Christian and Pagan.
Well I'm sorry, Eco Warriors, Protestors and Pagans and Druids who fight for the land are not rent a mob, and are committed to the causes and the work they do for them.
They are in general quite discerning in where, when and why they protest nor are they mercenaries that can be called in to fight your battles for you.
Any political protest of an environmental nature must be a mutually supportive partnership between locals and activists.
Who knows, I might even get involved in that campaign in the New Year, or maybe I'll be too busy, seriously though it's a bit stable-doorish after the event.
Anyway, enjoy your Christmas celebrations, as I will enjoy my solstice celebrations. May your God/dess go with you.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Parliament needs someone like
Arthur Pendragon to shake them up.
A vote for anyone else is a vote
For more of the same.
This time YOU can make a difference.
For more information on this election
and other campaigns check out:
Or email:
k.p[email protected]
If elected Arthur pledges to donate 10% of his salary to Salisbury based charities.
Printed and published
By The Loyal Arthurian Warband.10 Sine Close, Farnborough, Hampshire
He was employed as a political columnist for The Esher News and Mail and has written for the Western Daily Press and co-authored a book about his exploits and that of his Order in challenging Her Majesty's Government and the authorities over Stonehenge and many other environmental issues.
He left school at fifteen and has had a varied career, including working as General Foreman for a Parish Council and Senior Supervisor for Hampshire and Surrey County Councils on the Basingstoke Canal restoration project, and at one time was he was a General Forman for a major management contractor, running a £6 million and a £9 million contracts.
Well known in Salisbury as an environmental campaigner and political activist, who is not afraid to put himself in the front line, he was arrested along with a Labour MP and a Member of the Scottish Parliament as well as Catholic Priests, Church of Scotland Ministers and members of the Scottish Nationalist Party, campaigning for nuclear disarmament. He was also arrested on another occasion showing solidarity with the workers on the March for Social Justice.
And answers and thought by Arthur Pendragon Independent
A mix and match, of what works, with a smattering of common sense. Sadly lacking in Party Politics
We know Arthur has campaigned long and hard for improvements at Stonehenge, but what do the rest of the candidates feel about the new proposed visitors centre?
Which of the other candidates, if elected, will back Arthur's call for the return of the ancient human remains taken from Stonehenge?
First appeared in The Western Daily press, Entitled, who's Guarding the Guardians
On the twenty ninth of August two thousand and eight, cremated Human remains were removed from Stonehenge, in a sad little Tupperware box. They had originally been excavated from the 'Aubury holes' encircling the Henge, between nineteen nineteen and nineteen twenty six.
The chard fragments of bone where re-interred into one of the excavated pits, (Aubury hole seven} in the nineteen thirties and it was this cache that the Archaeologists re-exhumed as part of the 'Riverside project in 2008.
Pagans and Druids were asked to 'bless' the dig, but on learning that the archaeologists had no intention of returning the remains. (referred to by the Pagans as the Guardians), to their resting place at Stonehenge, they refused. For, after all, as the archaeologists themselves asserted, they had laid there for thousands of years before their disturbance in the early twenties.
Enter King Arthur Pendragon, Frank Summers, and Kazz Smith, three Druids so appalled at the prospect of these ancient remains being permanently removed from the Sacred Site they had guarded since before time in memorial, that they set about challenging the decisions that allowed this unacceptable development.
Frank, as is his forte set about finding what right for redress, was provided to challenge under British Law, looking also into the funding of such projects and where pressure, if any, could be brought to bear.
Arthur and Kazz for their part took the message to the people as part of their 'Stonehenge Picket' for better access at Stonehenge. They also fired the first shot in their battle with the authorities, by invading the temple at night for a 'naked'Ritual. Vowing to fight for the Guardians return, a vow they would later renew at a full Druid ceremony Vernal equinox 2009, and again a year and a day later at Aubury hole seven.
The morning after the 'naked Ritual' a meeting was hastily called, the senior archaeologists and disgruntled Druids attending with attendees from English Heritage who manage the site.
The archaeologists for their part put the case for retaining the remains for future research and informed the druids that they would apply for 'variance' to the existing order that allowed them two years for analysis.
The Druids for their part suggested retaining a sample for future analysis or looking into the possibility of reburial in air tight biodegradable plastic containers so, should forensics move on in the next century as the scientists would have us believe then they could be re exhumed, before returning to the earth, the archaeologists disagreed.
They did agree however (later to be put in writing) to inform the Druid, in good time to appeal, to the Dept' of Justice, who would be granting such an order. By all accounts a 'rubber stamp formality.
The Stonehenge Picket came to a close after the government intervened with the promise of a new visitors centre and better access for all.
Still the Archaeologists insisted on retaining the remains for future testing, still the archaeologists refused to listen to the pleas' of Arthur, Frank and Kazz to return the guardians to what should have been their final resting place.
So, on the sixth of June 2009 the three Druids reinstated the Stonehenge Picket. Robed Druids, Banners flying, enlisting the support of, unsuspecting, and in the main, ill-informed, tourists.
Many archaeologists visited the 'Picket' and many came to agree with the Druids position, from Inspectors of scheduled monuments to Heads of Dept', it is even rumored that the co-director of the 'dig' in question is sporting a Druid 'Bring back the ancient Dead' badge. As are a number of English Heritage employees at Stonehenge and wider a field.
There is no great animosity between the two camps and the Druids are regularly updated on the progress made at the lab of Sheffield University where it has been ascertained that all where male and in relatively good health. All that remains now is to carbon date them and return them to the temple they once guarded according to the Druids petition.
To show this was and is, not a purely Druid or Pagan issue religion was included on the petition aimed at the Dept' of Justice, who will decide as to whether or not the Archaeologists may retain the remains permanently. Nationality was also included to show how widespread was and is, the belief in what the Druids called 'common decency'"Let those we lay at rest-stay at rest reads their banner.
They're still there, at Stonehenge, the Druids gathering signatures,
Agnostic, Anglican, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Evangelist, Spiritualist, Druid, Hindu, Jew, signing alongside Presbyterian, Unitarian, Taoist, Islam, Muslim, Sikh, to name but a few. People from every Nation and every faith agreeing without ranker on this one issue. If only their leaders could see it the same (or should that be sane) way,
It looks like the Druids have happened upon the Alchemical mix that could eventually lead to World Peace. Common Decency-respecting the Dead, the one thing WE can all agree on. It's a start…..
Copyright 2009
Arthur Pendragon
What would the candidates do to restore faith in our politicians?
You are never going to undo the damage that has been done by the expenses scandal and the distrust of our government's (who-ever controls it) decision making policy. I for one think it's time for some payback and will donate 10% of my salary to Salisbury based charities and as a new MP and an Independent with no axe to grind look at the whole sorry system with fresh eyes.
Let's face it, it's up to us the people to reform it, they're not going to, it's not in their interest. Oh they'll tweak it here and there but if it's real change you want, then it's going to take someone like me, who's not tied to any party to get up in the House and keep shouting until they listen.
Are the candidates in favour of retaining our nuclear arsenal?
No, scrap 'em and if we have to keep our boys in Afghanistan use the savings on providing them with decent kit. Evan Regan was willing to consider the zero option, what happened? They'll tell you it's a deterrent, but has no-one told them the cold war is over and we lost; the Russians own our football teams.
What do the candidates feel is to be gained by our continued presence in Afghanistan?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, if there is any direct correlating between International terrorism and Afghanistan, it is as a direct result of our and our American cousins Foreign policy and bully boy tactics. Sticking our nose in where it's not wanted and trying to Tell the rest of the world how it should behave. And the hypocrisy involved, Weapons of mass destruction? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
We have a highly trained and well respected volunteer Army, in my opinion one of the best in the world and we use them to do what, policing duties. Send them in as part of NATO or UN forces to carry out specific operations, job done; get them the hell out of there. Let them do what they train for. Clear Exit strategy, not difficult - stop meddling in other countries politics and baby-sitting fledgling democracies (most of which are suspect) 'till we get our own right.
How would the candidates lead us out of the present recession?
We're an Island and we have become a nation of service industries and pen pushers. It's about time we got back to production. I would do everything in my power to see that we were encouraged to produce and to buy British and if that means higher surcharges on cheap foreign imports so be it.
We will never be able to compete with cheap foreign imports until we are competing on a level playing field, we should put our energies into campaigning for an International minimum wage.
Bigger isn't always better. Let's get back to local trade and local ownership and responsibility.
Local and seasonal produce sold locally. Stop pretending to be a world super-power and see ourselves for what we are a small collection of Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Europe. Stop trying to put the world to rights and concentrate our energies where they belong, on this once, Green and pleasant land.
Stop making new laws for the sake of it and stop eroding our civil liberties. To make this country safe from any perceived terrorist threat they would have us not only the most photographed and recorded but the most restricted. What price Freedom? The more they erode our civil liberties in the supposed name of democracy and freedom, the less free we actually are.
There is not a corner of our lives that the state does not exercise some control over, and all successive governments seem to do is bring in more controls, and more and more targets and paperwork, creating an army of pen-pushers, office manager and administrators. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
A typical case of self fulfilling prophecies and wrong thinking by our illustrious leaders was effectively giving the local authorities the power to raise stealth taxes by parking charges. The more you enforce it-the more you have to-the more wardens or ambassadors you need-the higher the wage bill-the more revenue you need to collect.
Still the more wardens you employ the less people claiming job seekers, closer to home, can someone tell me why half the revenue collected from the county of Wiltshire comes from one city, yes you guessed it Salisbury.
We must laud our present governments investment and commitment into the development of off shore wind farms but we must question their practice of granting contracts to foreign competitors. We must get our once Great Nation back to production.
That said, there is so much more to be done and so much that has been done to exacerbate the problem, like the blind stupidity that allowed the post office to take the Mail off the rails, and allowing the local planning authorities to follow the failed American model of bigger and bigger out of town hypermarkets that kill our high street trade and cause extra car journeys and greater carbon emissions.
We have to discourage the Chelsea tractor on the School run. Not everything that comes across the pond is bad or wrong for this country, let's learn from our American cousins and encourage the school bus.
Much has been done to address the problems of pollution but there is much more that can be achieved by way of recycling and re-use, if the government is going to keep legislating then let them legislate against all the over packaging and the mountain of unnecessary paperwork created daily, and what about all this 'junk mail' who's off setting their carbon footprint?
Everyone should have access to higher education, but what is the point in training up degree students in such great numbers that the local 'shop girl' has a degree in the sciences and the dustman one in philosophy while our kids can barely read and write.
Why not limit the numbers of students we train up to a realistic level of job expectancy in that particular field (how many Archaeologists does a country need) ? It's not rocket science, but I have no doubt, our cleaners probably have a degree in it. Then use the extra funds and resources saved to make sure our school leaver have a decent level of education?
Common sense really, Something we all know instinctively, something sadly lacking in the way successive governments have 'tinkered' with our education system, changing the syllabus and insisting on tests and targets, and pandering to the great God of political correctness. No, if it isn't broke don't fix it, and if it is get it sorted.
Parking ambassadors, Private Security companies, Park Wardens, Wheel Clampers and any amount of other uniformed pseudo-officials telling us - 'we can't do this' and 'we can't do that' and invariably fining us if we do.
Where did this come from, successive governments effectively privatising our policing and raising stealth taxes to pay for the privilege, and to raise funds to pay for this ever growing private army. Our police do a good job on the whole and are trained to do it.
These guys though, what's it all about, creating jobs to hide the true unemployment figures? 'Jobs worth's' on the whole. Do we need them? Are they necessary to our quality of life? These are the questions we should ask, not how many more laws can we bring in, and how much more work can we give them.
Leave the policing to the police, it's what we pay them for, and stop making their work harder by continually re-writing the law.
Why is bigger always better, what happened to our cottage hospitals and local Doctors living and working in the community they serve. Not cost effective they'll tell you, but we're supposed to believe that great unwieldy administrative institutions are, with tier after tier of office managers and administrators. We want more healers and fewer pen pushers.
(You'd be surprised to see how little has changed in ten years, or not.)
Brave New World, or much of a muchness? Either way it most certainly is a new millennium or rather a different one since last I wrote a Rant. And how have I been spending time this new millennium? Well from my point of view it's much of a muchness.
Apart from sporting a new beard for the new millennium (I shaved the last one off on the last day of the old one) very little has changed. A little Multi faith Multi Cultural work with a London based project, A little public ritual, A little bit of writing and a little bit of environmental protest work, visiting the now common and almost obligatory anti Roads Protest camp.
Something however has changed. When visiting the protest site, I found myself not only listening to the opposing point of view but agreeing where there was common ground.
Sure, the village in question needs a by-pass, but to destroy ancient woodland and to use it as an excuse for what could be yet another super highway (and an orbital round an orbital). Still begs the question - What happens when a by-pass meets another coming the other way? It is obviously neither satisfactory nor sustainable to continue in this manner.
Looking back at the science fiction of yesteryear and their vision of the twenty first century, we see castles in the air, whole cities built on stilts. We see whole communities living underground in subterranean cities and great mono rail systems linking them together. We see electric and solar powered vehicles, great domed cities with artificial weather and we see visions of a plush green landscape above or below Mans footprints on the planet. We see and have seen many innovative ideas. But what happened to them and why hasn't and isn't science fiction becoming science fact as so often has happened in the past.
Forward thinking planning seems to me to have been pushed aside for short term stop gaps for no other than financial consideration and any person, or group who opposes or speak out against such irrational thinking is to be discredited or outlawed.
I spoke previously of the new terrorism act and stated that it was to be aimed at peaceful protest and Eco-warriors. Paranoia, I was told. Well if that is the case, why in the provisions is there a reference (Sec 116) to tents or temporary structures or dwellings. I, for my part have never heard of random bombers or snipers advertising their presence with tents or temporary structures. It is quite obviously a reference to the peaceful protest movement and the Eco warriors- who oppose developments and extra roads.
Last week I sat out all night to observe the Luna eclipse; it was definitely eclipsed, all night as it goes, by cloud. Still, made the effort however disappointing or anti climatic the event and at the end of the day that is all we can do. Make the effort, go that extra mile and give it your best and if our best is not good enough, well at least we tried.
Blessed Be 'till next time
King Arthur Pendragon
I have always believed, despite its drawbacks, that we have one of the best Judicial systems in the World, but have never felt the same way about our Penal system. I do not believe prison the necessarily the better option, far better to make the punishment fit the crime.
Taking freedom away from say, Hostage takers is quite fitting but surely it would be far better to deprive offenders of the same type of goods and chattels they deprive others of. And were fraud is concerned take from them the moneys they would take from others.
That to one side for a moment. What exactly does prison achieve? Does it rehabilitate? In most cases, I would say No. Does it Punish? Perhaps, but at great cost to the Taxpayer and often at no great hardship to the perpetrators of the crime but to his / her family and friends.
A colleague of mine recently came out of prison, on License after two years of a four year sentence. He was promptly arrested for taking photographs of an eviction on a protest site. A terribly minor offence in our supposed Free democratic society but sufficient in the Home Offices view to revoke his license and to send him back to prison to finish the remainder of his four year sentence. Will this discourage him from taking photographs of Heavy Handed policing? No, but it will cost the Tax Payers thousands of pounds, why? Not to rehabilitate and not really to punish but just - cause 'rules is rules, me Lud' - No, it's more than sheer bloody mindedness, its fear!
And what are they so scared of? Why, that would be free thinking Individuals with a common cause, real democracy. Still, I dare say we can't blame them for trying to maintain the Status Quo and look after their Jobs for the Boys, but to what lengths will they go? And how free really are we once we've upset there little apple cart.
As an Eco Warrior and Political activist (incidentally I'm leading a Political March on Winchester early next month, check it out on the news), I would be surprised if Big Brother wasn't tapping my phone, and as a Taxpayer (VAT) I would be annoyed if they weren't.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Spring is in the air; well it certainly is for me anyway. Having taken part in Druid Rituals at Avebury, Stonehenge, London, - Yes; and even one for the Big Breakfast television programme - I seem to be all Ritualed out.
You may remember I informed you of a colleague of mine who had his licence revoked by the Home Office and was returned to prison simply for taking photographs of an eviction at a protest site. Well, it seems that common sense has prevailed, and he is once again at liberty.
That is of course largely due to his Loyal supporters, who fought diligently for his Freedom, from the outside. It does make one wonder however, what about others not in such a position who have No one to champion their cause and thus see that Justice is done?
Spring however is not a time for Cynicism but a time for new life and hope. Hope for a future we may all share in, for a future free from oppression. A future in which we can all be truly Free.
There is a long way to go before we can achieve such a future and we must always be diligent less we become complacent.
But if a Cynical Old War horse like me can see new hope for the future, then Spring is most definitely in the air.
Looking forward to the Summer, it is my hope that this year will see an end to the 'Them and Us' mentality at Stonehenge and once again Druids and Pilgrims alike will be allowed their religious observance, as indeed they are at Spring, Autumn. and Winter. For in reality there truly is No 'Them and Us'. They are merely Us who haven't realised it yet.
Apart from the Druid Rituals and occasional TV appearances I am kept fairly busy with protest marches and alike.
Much more of my work these days tends to be of a diplomatic nature, Public speaking and behind the scenes Conflict resolution. Not really what I had in mind for a Druid Battle Chieftain but it is indicative of the way of things and there will come a time when young Warriors will replace me on the Battlefield (Protest sites) but each to their season, and that time has yet to come and, who knows, we may move into an age of reason where there is no need for protest, peaceful or otherwise, let us hope that will be the case.
But for now, perhaps I could leave you with this thought;-
Look not to that which divides us. Look not to what makes us dissimilar.
Look instead to what Unites, and what Similarities we share.
And in doing so look to that spark of the infinite which is in each and every one of us.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Once again it's that time of year when the Party People come out to play, trying to get you to vote for this party or that in the local elections. Personally I only ever vote for myself, (joke) running as I do as an Independent candidate, so I guess I'll get out canvassing, well leafleting any way.
Politics to one side for a moment, I attended a meeting recently with English Heritage and Wiltshire Constabulary to discuss the possibility of the opening of Stonehenge for the Celebratory Ritual of the Mid-Summer Solstice Dawn 2000.
Will they, or won't they? And if they do, will it include every pilgrim who attends as I and several other Druids have been fighting for and campaigning for many years now?
For the answers to these and many other questions, watch for the Official English Heritage Press release coming out soon.
Beltane is coming upon us. From a Pagan point of view that's the real party (forget the political ones) and I'll be off to Avebury and Glastonbury taking part in and officiating at Public Rituals.
On a lighter note, or one actually quite serious one, here's something that I came across quite recently that will give you food for thought.
This is what the Dali Lama had to say on the millennium. It takes a few seconds to read and think. You might like to pass it on.
Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Follow the three R's: Respect for self, respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a most wonderful stroke of luck
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realise you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it
Spend some time alone every day.
Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honourable life. Then, when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don't bring up the past.
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
Be gentle with the earth.
Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for exceeds you need for each other.
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Buddhism may not be your religion or belief system, but as a Witch friend once said to me, good words are good words; it doesn't matter where they come from - it is the intent with which they are used
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
It is good to see that the Peace Process in Northern Ireland seems to be back on track thanks to David Trimble who, it would seem, is not afraid to put his job on the line and take risks for the benefit of the whole, and that our Para's have returned safely from Africa.
Good news also to see New Labour setting increased targets for recycling, but not so good to see an increase in the proposed use of incineration which is no better than landfill and, in point of fact worse for the environment.
It would be really useful if our Prime Minister and his family were to take a lead on environmental issues such as landfill and incineration and what better way than by example.
Perhaps they should consider putting baby Leo in old-fashioned rather than disposable nappies - it is not as though they could not afford the laundry service is it?
Other environmental issues raised of late seem to centre around GM crops.
We hear that up to 10 per cent of the imported rape seed from Canada could be infected despite their government setting a distance of one mile between GM and normal crops - and yet our Government still insists that 100 yards is adequate.
Then there is the news that genetically enhanced cod are larger (no surprise there) but that scientists working with computer simulation seem to show the bigger fish attract more mates (again no surprise there).
Then they would, if interbred, be in a position to out breed the normal cod, but guess what? The offspring, we are told would not be virile. Guess what's next? That's right, no more cod.
In truth not enough research has gone into the whole field of genetic modification and any testing should be carried out with great care or under laboratory conditions because, let's face it, by the time it is in the food chain and crossed with normal crops if anything is wrong it is too late.
And why our government subsidises rape crops is beyond me - surely there is no great need for such amounts of oil?
Travelling through our countryside one cannot but notice the increase in the field after field of rape crops. Why?
Perhaps it is because the oil is easy and cheap to store. Another case of cash crops, putting profit first and what is actually important far down the list.
Importing and exporting are sometimes necessary and obviously good for trade but isn't it about time our island race, with precious little manufacturing industry left, started growing what we actually need to consume and then store up what we may export later - or am I missing something here?
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Well I guess if the Press coverage is anything to go by, we pulled it off. Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2000, Free and open access for All, no arrests, not even myself. A ninth degree Dungeon. Nine years running for my annual game of Dungeons and Dragons with Wiltshire Constabulary, Salisbury Police cells being the Dungeon and me the Dragon, Pendragon, or Battle Chieftain. Still all things must come to an end and we must now look to the future rather than dwell in the past.
There is hope for this Nation yet, if mad Druids in white frocks, Witches in Black ones, Crusty old Hippies and die-hard Punks can get it on with Job's worth security and Coppers, and little old ladies from Essex and a great time can be had my all, then anything's possible...
It took a lot of negotiations to make it possible and a lot of give and take on all sides, but in a spirit of mutual trust and openness it came to be.
For my part, I led the' Robes' down from the temporary car park. When it came time for us to go in, we the 'Robes' made an arch with our staffs and staves and welcomed the people into the Field that houses our Temple, Stonehenge. Six Thousand people came to celebrate the Solstice at Stonehenge, each with their own personal reason for being there, and six thousand people went away having had a joyous celebration.
Throughout the night many Ceremonies took place and many of the people took part in many of them. Around three o'clock The Kings Drums, from east London University turned up and with drumming and dance they led a fiery torch lit procession around the Stones.
Like the parting of the sea, in biblical proportions at the time of Dawn the crowds parted and I found myself in the centre circle. There was much I could have done or said when the drums died down for me to speak. I merely thanked the many tribes for attending and reminded them that it was and is their Henge, led them in a quick Druids Oath, 'We swear by peace and love to stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. Mark Oh Spirit and hear us now, confirming this our sacred vow', and withdrew.
Later when it was time to leave, and the majority had already done so, I returned to the centre circle and dropped in behind a young girl Piper who led us out. Nothing was contrived and the whole evening was organic in nature. English Heritage's stewards and security were very relaxed as were Wiltshire Constabulary, and Peace broke out at Stonehenge....
Blessed be
King Arthur Pendragon.
Mayburgh Henge, in Cumbria is an Ancient Sacred Site about 4000 years old. The eastern entrance frames King Arthur's Round Table, another ancient site in the vicinity. Close by, to the south is a smaller site called the Little Round Table. The whole area is an Ancient Ceremonial Site, which is of special spiritual significance to present-day Pagans.
Add to this the addition of a new Christian Stone to celebrate the millennium and you have a recipe for confrontation and disaster.
In the interests of peace and multi-faith I was asked to act in the ancient Druid role of Peace Maker, and in the role of Pagan Priest to lead a Ritual to welcome the New Stone.
Also, in the role of Warrior King to make our presence known at the Christian dedication ceremony.
Three purposes and three intents and at the end of the day well: There was to be a Christian dedication ceremony and picnic on the Sunday afternoon. I had traveled up from Cardiff to Cumbria by coach the day before. Having got a feel for the place on Saturday evening, I retired to the local hostelry, where I was booked in for the night. We had not been there long before I caught a glimpse of our boys in blue (fluorescent jackets these days) in the foyer. Aware that the local press had been setting up a possible confrontation over my ceremonial sword and aware also that I did not have about my person the usual documentation for Excalibur and only too aware that I had decloaked and the sword was thus in plain view, so it came as no surprise when I was told that there was someone who would like a quiet word with me.
What was surprising however was their attitude. I explained about the sword and ritual dagger, which was also in plain view. But this was most certainly by the by and not the purpose of their visit. The local representative of English Heritage whom we, (myself and ASLaN) had met with earlier, had directed the police to the local pub, where he knew we would be.
The police merely wished to discuss our itinerary and plans for the following day and to ask what assistance they may be. It was pointed out to them that low key policing should be the order of the day, and should any of the Christian contingents be or get out of order (hecklers), the police would be well advised to mediate through their ministers, dog collars and frocks. And likewise and in like manner if any of the Pagans were seen to be disruptive, we, ASLaN T-shirts and white frocks could be relied on to mediate in the first instance.
After the police left the hotel, a small number of us returned to the standing stone at Mayburgh Henge, a circle was cast and magic was wrought.
The next day, around noon, as planned, I led a ceremony in which we, the Pagans now numbering about 40, went to welcome and dedicate the Christian stone, situated outside (although still dominating) the Henge. The press were there trying to hype up confrontation. I merely pointed out to them that whilst the site of the stone was not what we would have preferred, we were not there for confrontation but to show a peaceful and silent protest and presence and that Father, Son and Holy Ghost can be read equally as Mother, Maiden and Crone.
By the time the Christians, led by an Archbishop, came to do their dedication and picnic, we were to all intense and purposes on the moral high ground silhouetted on the skyline, we stood passively on the bank above them. They had been expecting five thousand participants and indeed billed the picnic as the feeding of the five thousand. In reality they got about three hundred and fifty.
It varied between scenes from Zulu and Ben Hurr, depending upon your perspective. Each Church or group of Churches came in to the field below us, standards raised like something from the Roman Imperial Army. We stood upon the bank looking down upon them and we too bore standards. My Royal Standard and Battle Standard flanked me as I stood all in white, robes flowing and drizzle falling.
When all the Churches and their followers had marched into the field below a sole figure was seen climbing the bank, breaking ranks to speak with me before the Bishop and the Cannon delivered their address.
He told me that he was on the Church committee and had been against the imposition of a Christian cross on a Pagan site, said he respected us for our beliefs, as did I him, for his. I handed him some of our literature including support from we had from other Christian ministries.
We stood in silence throughout their service and as they picnicked, as if by some prearranged signal, I mooned at the Archbishop, shackled my Sword back on and we filed away.
It is worth noting that Mooning at the Arch-Bishop had the effect of defusing an otherwise volatile situation and was far better than some of the suggested alternatives which included a would-be 'Girlie' streaker.
Blessed be
King Arthur Pendragon
Those of you who read last month's Rant will remember that last month I returned from Cumbria where I was called in at the end of a long debate as to whether a Christian Cross should be placed on a Pagan Site.
Well this month I have returned from Ireland having taken time out after Stonehenge to tour the Emerald Isle and to meet with like minded spirits (Druids and Pagans) and again was confronted with and by the same problem.
Some years ago (1980) an Irish American returned from The New World, where he had made his fortune and left monies in plenty to honour his God. Dynamiting an ancient Pagan Cairn (burial chamber) atop a hill and placing a Great Illuminated Cross set in Concrete. The Locals love it and Pagans see it as Imperialist, stamping their seal and desecrating the ancient Cairn.
It occurs to me that certain sites (the land itself) are in some way sacred to Man and that as a result throughout the ages we have revered such places and honoured whatever Gods we believe in at such sites.
And that God / Goddess, infinite spirit goes by many names and symbols and that prayer and intent are all that really matter.
Some sites where undoubtedly 'Taken' for political consideration and yes, there is an element of Imperialism stamping out of the old with the new. But for whatever reasons it legitimises what has gone before and can with a sense of continuance.
And whatever your religion or belief system there is a feeling that is good to pay your respects and honour your God/dess's at a place or site where others have done likewise in their own manner since time began.
This is the benchmark with which to work. The sacredness of the site far exceeds the reverence with which this group or that holds it holy.
One such site under threat is the Nine Ladies stone circle in Derbyshire, threatened by quarrying and I'm off to see if I can 'stir up some tro" raise some awareness for that.
Blessed Be
or in the immortal words of Dave Allen,
"May your God go with you"
King Arthur Pendragon
So here it is, the September rant, as autumn is upon us I am aware of not only the seasonal changes but the life changes that come with it, when we enter the autumn of our lives. At forty six I am acutely aware of the failings of my physical body. No longer can I do that which I was able at nineteen.
Watching our athletes and those of other nations performing in the Olympics brings to mind what might have been rather than what yet may be, as is the case with the adolescent who would view the same event through different eyes.
When we enter the autumn of our lives it is a time for sombre reflection, a time to take stock, to look back at our past achievements. It is not a time for sadness but can so easily be thought of as such (midlife crisis).
We must always look to the future, and in the autumn of our lives take stock and negotiate from a position of strength (our past achievements) and walk forward in pride.
Should we reach this stage and look back upon our life and see nought, then we must simply achieve a more spiritual or intellectual rather than physical attainment.
A reflective time seasonally, one in which the leaves fall from the trees to make way, in the passing of time, for the shooting of the new buds of spring. For life as in fact with everything is a cycle. Death and rebirth, the old giving way to the new.
When Autumn has passed and winter sets in and it is time to stand aside and make way then, with the wisdom of age, we may do so gracefully. Thus is the natural order of things.
It is an unfortunate part of the human (and natural) condition that many of us are taken in the Summer of our youth and fail achieve the wisdom that comes only with the passing seasons of our life.
Whatever your age and circumstance, be true to yourself, see the good in others for what it is and more importantly live and love life to its full potential.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Three to five hundred words once a month, the occasional article for Pagan magazines, not a lot to ask. Well all that has changed, guess I'm doing more writing. I've just been commissioned to co-author a book. Don't worry though, this is not a plug. It won't even be out 'till 2002.
The subject - Something learned from a Druidic point of view? No. Something spiritual then? No. Then perhaps something political? No. Then what? Actually it will be elements of all the above. Not sure what form it will take yet as I will be working with someone else, but for my part it will take the part of auto-biography. Some idiot is going to pay me (royalties if it sells) to write about myself, it's a funny old world.
Seriously though, as the dark nights draw in.
How many of us actually curl up with a good (or even a bad) book as opposed to television, games consoles or the internet?
Obviously I'm speaking to those who do, read that is, but how many others don't, not even the local paper? When it comes to books I tend to flick through, or for the most part rely on reference books rather than a good novel.
There is something about a good read that fires and inspires the imagination rather than rely on graphic programmes to generate these images for us and it would be a shame to see the book relegated to history by all the technology now at our fingertips.
With petrol rises, rail track in disarray and possible actions against the oil refineries, transport chaos looks likely this coming winter. So you never know, we may even get the chance to curl up with the proverbial book after all. It's just a pity we live in an age when invariably we'll be doing it in the most part under artificial light.
Anyway, I'm off to the West Country for more rounds of talks with the authorities over Stonehenge access, Samhain (Halloween) celebrations and I'll be ranting again next month until then,
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Last Saturday I gave the alternative Presidential address at the National Pagan Federation conference, (not bad considering, that I am not even a member), next Saturday I will be giving a talk at The London School of Economics and Political Sciences, and on Thursday I will be filming for channel four Television, (Prime time TV), to be transmitted at six O'clock on Christmas day. A Time Team special. On the Historical King Arthur, who knows I may even Knight, Sir Baldrick.
Next year I am already booked for several National Pagan events and have recently been appointed Steward Coordinator free and open access at Stonehenge for next Summer Solstice. Not bad for the "Nutter, who thinks he's King Arthur" Most of the above would not have touched me with the proverbial barge pole a year or two ago.
Which brings me to the question why now? Some of it certainly smacks of the Old School Tie, (not that I wear one) network, and some undoubtedly,' not what, but who you know'. I would of course, like to think that I had in one way or another, earned their respect, but am realistic enough to realise that if you shout loud enough and long enough, sooner or later someone will listen and if your message is valid sooner or later they will ask you to repeat it.
With the conference on Climatic Changes breaking down without agreement, perhaps it is time for someone, a senior statesman or woman, on the World stage to stand up and shout loudly about the issues that affect us all.
And more importantly, perhaps it is time for us as Nations to put our petty differences to one side for the benefit of the common good. The Protestors at the Climate conference who were given the chance to speak out, did themselves and their cause a dis-service by walking out, for only by talking and discussion can we find common ground, and only by finding common ground may we resolve the issues and thus move forward.
We have a clear choice. Accept climate changes and the chaos that it will inevitably cause in the future or discuss ways in which we can alleviate the problem. Whatever the choice we must put People and Planet above Profit, Less there inevitably will be no People and Planet left to worry about.
I shall continue preparing for the Winter Solstice celebrations, in my tradition whilst many of you continue preparing for the Christmas celebrations in yours. You see, we are not so very different after all.
Blessed Be.
King Arthur Pendragon
Recently I was approached by local residents in Wiltshire, who are concerned at their local Church selling off land that was left in trust for the use of commoners to developers and for financial gain (the proverbial church roof fund).
Well it turned out that an Augustan monk, by the name of Martin Luther, had his own grievances with the church and in 1517 at Samhain incidentally (Halloween, 31st October). He took his list of 95 grievances and nailed them to the church door.
The locals were opposed to the sale for a number of reasons. It necessitated the destruction of ancient hedgerows, proposed housing to be built on green belt land. Land on which, in fact had ancient grazing rights (that in the 21st century equates to somewhere to walk your dogs or to take your children for a picnic on a sunny day). In other words, the local community used the land in question for recreational purposes.
A plan was hatched whereby the local residents would get together 95 signatories opposed to the scheme. It's worth noting here that the sale was to go through on the 15th December. My idea was in the style of Luther, to nail said signatories to the church door. For my part, I would raise Druid, Pagan and Warrior (protest) support on Saturday the 9th December, in order to highlight the local's opposition to this scheme and gain the media's attention in order to shame the Church into non-completion of the sale.
The locals assured me that they were even prepared to raise the money for the proverbial church roof rather than see the land sold off to a developer, a cunning plan mayhap. However, it unravelled. The reason?
"It's too near Christmas, we're too busy, but we'd still like your support, How about in the New Year sometime?"
The local Pagans were still up for it, but decided against it, for without local support it would appear a holy war between Christian and Pagan.
Well I'm sorry, Eco Warriors, Protestors and Pagans and Druids who fight for the land are not rent a mob, and are committed to the causes and the work they do for them.
They are in general quite discerning in where, when and why they protest nor are they mercenaries that can be called in to fight your battles for you.
Any political protest of an environmental nature must be a mutually supportive partnership between locals and activists.
Who knows, I might even get involved in that campaign in the New Year, or maybe I'll be too busy, seriously though it's a bit stable-doorish after the event.
Anyway, enjoy your Christmas celebrations, as I will enjoy my solstice celebrations. May your God/dess go with you.
Blessed Be
King Arthur Pendragon
Parliament needs someone like
Arthur Pendragon to shake them up.
A vote for anyone else is a vote
For more of the same.
This time YOU can make a difference.
For more information on this election
and other campaigns check out:
Or email:
k.p[email protected]
If elected Arthur pledges to donate 10% of his salary to Salisbury based charities.
Printed and published
By The Loyal Arthurian Warband.10 Sine Close, Farnborough, Hampshire