Dancing Hare
Otherwise known as Matt and Carrie Lyon, both raised members of the Loyal Arthurian Warband. Dancing Hare is their creative and musical venture and comprises of artwork and wonderful music. Check out their website and YouTube channel for more information.
Hallowed Ground "Song inspired by the campaign to return our ancestors to their burial sites, especially around the sacred centre and outer areas of Stonehenge. This is a sacred site and temple along with many other stone circles and resting places of our ancients final resting places and should be given respect. To learn and rediscover our history is positive, but with techniques such as 3 d laser printing and perfect plaster casts available, there is no reason all may be returned to their final resting places, including the majority whose remains are just kept in storage in boxes as just catalogue numbers"
Hallowed Ground "Song inspired by the campaign to return our ancestors to their burial sites, especially around the sacred centre and outer areas of Stonehenge. This is a sacred site and temple along with many other stone circles and resting places of our ancients final resting places and should be given respect. To learn and rediscover our history is positive, but with techniques such as 3 d laser printing and perfect plaster casts available, there is no reason all may be returned to their final resting places, including the majority whose remains are just kept in storage in boxes as just catalogue numbers"