Originally known as The Arthurian Warband, the order was set up in June nineteen eighty six by Arthur Uther Pendragon (known as King Arthur) as a Warrior Order to Fight for Truth, Honour and Justice, and First ‘picketed’ Stonehenge in 1990 on behalf of ‘The Free Peoples’ and The (then) Grand Council of British Druid Orders.
The name was changed to The Loyal Arthurian Warband when it became a member Order of The Council of British Druid Orders after Beltane of 1990 when it’s founder King Arthur Pendragon was ‘recognised’ by the Druids.
Since 1990, it has in one form or another been involved in many Libertarian, Environmental and Spiritual Campaigns, electing non-violent direct action as a response to what it believes is mistaken government policy. Challenging ‘the poll tax’, the (so called) Exclusion Zone, around Stonehenge, many road building and quarrying schemes, Pagan and Libertarian rights, and other causes that are viewed to fall within it’s remit of Truth, Honour and Justice.
As well as a protestational approach, the Warband, through their offices of Titular Head and Chosen Chief King Arthur have stood at local, county and National elections offering an Independent Candidate, and have negotiated with the Authorities to help bring about ‘religious/libertarian’ access at Stonehenge, for Solstice and Equinox.
The Loyal, was added on becoming a Druid Order and the acronym LAW has and is continuingly used when the Order seek redress through the Courts.
The Order often working with the support and assistance of The Council of British Druid Orders (of which King Arthur hold the title and office of Battle Chieftain) has challenged through Magistrates, County, Crown, and High Court and through the European Court of Human Rights, and is no stranger to the Justice System, but then as their founder says, “what better place to fight for justice than in a court of law”
The Loyal Arthurian Warband and all its Orders, Covens and Groves are generally regarded as the Political (Warrior) arm of the Druid Movement.
From one person’s vision in 1986, The Loyal Arthurian Warband is now one of the Largest Druid Orders, and continues to ‘fight’ for Truth, Honour, and Justice Worldwide.
King Arthur Pendragon /|\ © 2013
The name was changed to The Loyal Arthurian Warband when it became a member Order of The Council of British Druid Orders after Beltane of 1990 when it’s founder King Arthur Pendragon was ‘recognised’ by the Druids.
Since 1990, it has in one form or another been involved in many Libertarian, Environmental and Spiritual Campaigns, electing non-violent direct action as a response to what it believes is mistaken government policy. Challenging ‘the poll tax’, the (so called) Exclusion Zone, around Stonehenge, many road building and quarrying schemes, Pagan and Libertarian rights, and other causes that are viewed to fall within it’s remit of Truth, Honour and Justice.
As well as a protestational approach, the Warband, through their offices of Titular Head and Chosen Chief King Arthur have stood at local, county and National elections offering an Independent Candidate, and have negotiated with the Authorities to help bring about ‘religious/libertarian’ access at Stonehenge, for Solstice and Equinox.
The Loyal, was added on becoming a Druid Order and the acronym LAW has and is continuingly used when the Order seek redress through the Courts.
The Order often working with the support and assistance of The Council of British Druid Orders (of which King Arthur hold the title and office of Battle Chieftain) has challenged through Magistrates, County, Crown, and High Court and through the European Court of Human Rights, and is no stranger to the Justice System, but then as their founder says, “what better place to fight for justice than in a court of law”
The Loyal Arthurian Warband and all its Orders, Covens and Groves are generally regarded as the Political (Warrior) arm of the Druid Movement.
From one person’s vision in 1986, The Loyal Arthurian Warband is now one of the Largest Druid Orders, and continues to ‘fight’ for Truth, Honour, and Justice Worldwide.
King Arthur Pendragon /|\ © 2013