Reorganisation and restructuring of The Loyal Arthurian Warband
To face the challenges ahead and to be seen to 'act' with one coherent voice it has become necessary to reorganise and restructure our Orders and Groves, and in order to play a more active role in future to appoint new Officers and posts where applicable. Officers and Grove leaders, will no longer be able to hold Office in other Orders, (save their own) outside of LAW, this is to avoid any conflict of interest as has resulted in the past. Although individual members may of course belong to as many different groups as they so wish.
New appointments
Applications are invited from LAW members, who have 'been beneath the Sword' to lead and co-ordinate newly formed Warband Groves, County by County, and where appropriate, site by site. A directory of these groves and contacts will be available on our web site. And the leaders of these newly formed 'Groves' will be invited to join a newly formed 'Round Table' Forum and discussion group.
Email Arthur in the first instance at [email protected] if you are up to the challenge and prepared to devote some of your time and energies to this project
Senior Officers
Such as Arch Druid/ess, Battle Chieftain, and High Priest/ess will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time. They will likewise be invited to join the 'Round Table' Forum, which it is envisaged will become 'The War Cabinet' for the Battles to come.
Administrative Officers
Such as Web Master, Press Officer, and Facebook Admin will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time,
The Arthurian Warband Environmental News is to be resurrected and a Chief Head Hitter (editor) has been appointed, it is envisaged that the first Electronic edition will be 'on line' for the Autumn equinox and it will be published eight times a year, contributions from the LAW for this publication will be welcome.
King Arthur Pendragon
Titular head and Chosen Chief
Loyal Arthurian Warband
August 2010
New appointments
Applications are invited from LAW members, who have 'been beneath the Sword' to lead and co-ordinate newly formed Warband Groves, County by County, and where appropriate, site by site. A directory of these groves and contacts will be available on our web site. And the leaders of these newly formed 'Groves' will be invited to join a newly formed 'Round Table' Forum and discussion group.
Email Arthur in the first instance at [email protected] if you are up to the challenge and prepared to devote some of your time and energies to this project
Senior Officers
Such as Arch Druid/ess, Battle Chieftain, and High Priest/ess will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time. They will likewise be invited to join the 'Round Table' Forum, which it is envisaged will become 'The War Cabinet' for the Battles to come.
Administrative Officers
Such as Web Master, Press Officer, and Facebook Admin will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time,
The Arthurian Warband Environmental News is to be resurrected and a Chief Head Hitter (editor) has been appointed, it is envisaged that the first Electronic edition will be 'on line' for the Autumn equinox and it will be published eight times a year, contributions from the LAW for this publication will be welcome.
King Arthur Pendragon
Titular head and Chosen Chief
Loyal Arthurian Warband
August 2010