Image by Rick Bell
11.11 am this morning from Stonehenge, Senior Druid, King Arthur Pendragon and his Priestess Calliope Muse (pictured) issued the following statement calling on the peoples and leaders of the World to unite behind their call for World Peace, an end to economic slavery and a ‘Greener’ planet.
(NB: PRIESTESS words in italic - PRIEST words in white)
Here, a day on, from ‘The End of Days’ there is a window of opportunity for ‘A Brave New Dawn’
As the Ancient Druids’ were responsible for ALL things Temporal and Political, so too are their Modern Counterparts;
So; I, Arthur of the Britons, call on all Peoples of the World to unite, with one voice and to demand their Governments adopt what may be called ‘The Stonehenge Message’ (a three point plan for World Peace, an end to economic slavery and a Greener planet) and I call on the Leaders of all and of no faiths, to support such a call.
For far too long have we, (mankind) faced the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse; now is the time to challenge their hold over us. Challenge now or forever be enslaved.
We, ‘The People’, the common folk of all nations, Brothers and Sisters of All and of no faiths call on our Governments to implement of ‘The Stonehenge Message’;
Let us choose Peace, Freedom and Life, over War, Famine, Pestilence and Death
(1) A cessation of ALL hostilities, at home or abroad to take immediate effect.
Eradicating War.
(2) The ‘writing off’ of all international and National debt,
So no nation is indebted to another, seen or unseen
And with it, the instigation of a livable, International Minimum wage to combat poverty and to bring an end to Slave labour and exploitation.
To help bring an end to starvation and to combat the hold and fear of Famine, across the World, and to encourage self-sufficiency among the Nations.
(3) The Immediate investment in Clean, Green renewable energy sources.
In order to combat Pestilence and Death and to protect our home; Planet Earth.
I call on ALL peoples to support these demands. March on your parliaments in sufficient numbers and they will be forced to listen.
Do nothing; and nothing will change;
The choice is yours, ‘A Brave New Dawn’ or the dawn of just another day.