Old Press Releases - new ones can be viewed here
Press Releases from Arthur on the frontline. Releases are posted on Press Office Facebook immediately and then updated here later.
2nd November 2010
Today the Ministry of Justice granted a five year extension to Archaeologists working on the Riverside project at Stonehenge to retain the cremated human remains, known as the Guardians for scientific research despite fierce opposition from the Druids, most notably from King Arthur Pendragon who has waged a two year campaign at Stonehenge for their return.
King Arthur today vowed to continue his vigil at Stonehenge until ‘The Great British Ancestors’ are returned, to what should have been their final resting place. Let those we lay to rest stay to rest, his Battlecry and let us Honour our Ancient Dead and not desecrate their Temple and our Pagan Cathedral of Stonehenge.
Arthur Pendragon /|\
25th October 2010
THE DRUID WAY - (originally written for regional press)
Now The Druids have been recognised as a religion by the charities commission perhaps it’s about time we learned more, here King Arthur explains their belief structure.
The Druids were in ancient times, Priests, Healers, Law givers and advisers and in modern times we continue that tradition and in the modern interpretation and the one used by the charities commission we are a branch of Paganism, or as many see it simply ‘a Pagan priest’ and a Pagan, the word derived from the Latin root, meaning simply of the country.
It figures therefore that we should be seen to ‘worship’ nature. It’s not however, so much that we worship nature, but see the Divine in all her splendour and celebrate the seasons and what we refer to as the turning of the wheel. Eight festivals in total, four agricultural and four Solar. Noting and celebrating also the lunar cycle.
Perhaps the best known of these are the solar festivals, the longest, the shortest, and the two equal days. Mid-winter, Mid-summer, Spring and Autumn.
We try as best we can to be a part of nature as apposed to apart from nature and see the Majesty in Thunder and Storm, as well as Bud and Stem, Seeing also divine spirit in mountain and stream.
Druid Ceremonies are in essence our way of thanking the God/Goddess and Gods for the splendour of nature that supports life, we thank the Sun for its life giving warmth and the Earth for her bounty. We thank the Spirits of the place, and we Honour the ancestors who went before us and were our forbears.
Like many faiths, we believe in an afterlife and in personal responsibility, living by our own code of honour and respect, we hold all life as sacred.
There is nothing strange or secret about our faith, nor is it new, practiced in these Isles since ‘time in memorial’. We respect the Christian, the Buddhist, the Muslim and the Jew, and all others for their beliefs and ask for no more or less for ours.
Arthur Pendragon /|\
Senior Druid and Pagan Priest
9th October 2010
The Ego
Hail, I for one am getting thoroughly fed up with the negative connotations put on The Ego, and how it is used as some kind of Whipping implement, to be fired at will. Used as an all knowing, all inclusive insult to any and every individual who stands out or up, for his/her or our beliefs, or in some other way, to be counted.
“It’s all about Ego” invariable muttered by those who’s Ego’s are not stroked enough, and those ‘armchair Warriors’ who can’t, won’t, and certainly don’t get out there and do it themselves.
When people put their head above the parapet they may expect to have it shot off, but not to be decapitated from the rear.
As a self proclaimed ‘media tart’ and a ‘front man’ for many causes and known to the press and the authorities as ‘the nutter who thinks he’s King Arthur’ my words incidentally, not theirs. I have as big an Ego as most, bigger than many, but it’s what you use the ego for, it’s what you do with it like any tool, it’s there to be used. Not to be confused with self confidence or charisma the ego is a weapon in our arsenal that can and often is used to great effect.
We should not hold people up, just to knock them down, and often what is mistaken for ego and egotistical behaviour is duty and ability, ‘those that can, do, and those that can’t teach’ well, it seems that those who can do neither simply ‘Bitch’ and complain that those who can and do, who it seems are in someway hogging the limelight.
For many years I have used my infamy and notoriety to gain the attention of the press and thereby the wider public and to deflect that interest to the wider issues, as have many of my friends and colleges in the Druid community. So let’s have less knocking and more support for the People who try and often succeed to, make a difference.
King Arthur Pendragon /|\
7th October 2010
Made on behalf of CoBDO as their Battlechieftain
"The Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO), would like to make the following statement, in the wake of recent news that the Druid Network has gained charitable status.
CoBDO recently investigated the parameters surrounding registration with the Charities Commission for itself.
CoBDO subsequently withdrew its own application for charitable status, on learning that the only "recognition" of religious practices offered by the Charities Commission, consisted of tax free advantage on income of above £5.000.
CoBDO does not have an income itself, and has little sympathy with the practice of charging money for druidry. We are a spiritual organization, not a commercial one, and will continue to seek religious recognition through public ceremonies and events."
30th September 2010
King Arthur
Is a Political Activist and Proposed Independent Parliamentary Candidate To Date he has ‘run’ in Local, County and Parliamentary elections, Standing for Aldershot (twice) Winchester and Salisbury in the General Election. Successfully taken, Wiltshire Constabulary, The Home Office and H.M. Government through Judicial review and the European Court. He neither signs on nor claims state benefit but relies in stead on donations to fund his many campaigns.
Currently he is spearheading the campaign for the return of ‘The Guardians’, ancient cremated Human remains removed from Stonehenge. If you would like to make a donation to help fund this and other campaigns please do so. He could of course ‘get a job’ and leave the campaigning to someone else, but that’s not in his nature is it? Thanks for your continued support.
10th September 2010
Lords, Ladies, Brothers and Sisters, Men and women of Wales step forward.
Grove Leaders and regional Coordinators for North and South Wales are about to be appointed.
If you have been beneath the Sword of Britain and have sworn to the Ancient virtues of Truth, of Honour and of Justice and reside in Wales, Step forward.
If you would be a Knight, male or female, and would follow a King and reside in Wales - Step forward.
Email Arthur [email protected]
And Stand and be Counted
26th August 2010
Reorganisation & Restructure of Loyal Arthurian Warband 2010
To face the challenges ahead and to be seen to 'act' with one coherent voice it has become necessary to reorganise and restructure our Orders and Groves, and in order to play a more active role in future to appoint new Officers and posts where applicable. Officers and Grove leaders, will no longer be able to hold Office in other Orders, (save their own) outside of LAW, this is to avoid any conflict of interest as has resulted in the past. Although individual members may of course belong to as many different groups as they so wish.
New appointments
Applications are invited from LAW members, who have 'been beneath the Sword' to lead and co-ordinate newly formed Warband Groves, County by County, and where appropriate, site by site. A directory of these groves and contacts will be available on our web site. And the leaders of these newly formed 'Groves' will be invited to join a newly formed 'Round Table' Forum and discussion group.
Email Arthur in the first instance at [email protected] if you are up to the challenge and prepared to devote some of your time and energies to this project
Senior Officers
Such as Arch Druid/ess, Battle Chieftain, and High Priest/ess will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time. They will likewise be invited to join the 'Round Table' Forum, which it is envisaged will become 'The War Cabinet' for the Battles to come.
Administrative Officers
Such as Web Master, Press Officer, and Facebook Admin will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time,
The Arthurian Warband Environmental News is to be resurrected and a Chief Head Hitter (editor) has been appointed, it is envisaged that the first Electronic edition will be 'on line' for the Autumn equinox and it will be published eight times a year, contributions from the LAW for this publication will be welcome.
King Arthur Pendragon Titular head and Chosen Chief Loyal Arthurian Warband
13th July 2010
An open letter to the worlds press
The dept’ of Justice in the UK are about to pass Judgment on ‘The Guardians’ of Stonehenge, the cremated Human remains, taken for scientific analysis in 2008 and now the subject of an application before them to extend this work for a further five years. Arrayed against them the full might of the Druid Priests.
“Who then speaks for The Great British Ancestors? And what right of address and recourse do they have?
They are the founding Fathers of this once Green and pleasant Land. The Great British Ancestors who forged our pre-Christian nation. They are our saints, for whom our Great Temple of Stonehenge was erected. Their remains where placed around the temple in perpetuity as ‘Boundary Guardians’.
Quoting, from a flawed survey by EH The Minister of Justice states as fact that the Great British public are behind the scientific community (which it self is split on this issue). What then of the thousands of signatories to our petition, to return them, who speaks for them?
So, I ask again, who speaks for the Great British Ancestors?
Not the Dept’ of Justice, Not English Heritage and Not Sheffield University.
I hold them equally culpable for the wonton vandalisation and Desecration of a world Heritage site and vehemently oppose any extension to the terms of the current licence.
I see it as the Druids duty to speak for the Great British Ancestors and will, in concert with my colleges seek redress from the decision making policy that allows this unacceptable position to continue.
This is, as I have said a World wide issue and believe me, it is now my intention to bring it to the attention of the worlds press.”
Arthur Pendragon
Stonehenge Picket
Battlechieftain Council of British Druid Orders
Loyal Arthurian Warband Policy Statement
No longer can the Druids and Pagans stand by and watch the wonton destruction and desecration of Our once Green and pleasant land to the alters of corporate profit and science.
Not only will we support those who oppose such destruction up the trees, on the ground and below the ground, but we will also fight any such destruction through the courts and through the ballot box.
What we do, we do not for ourselves, or to oppose them but for their children and their children’s children, in the sure and certain knowledge that in the fullness of time and with the benefit of hindsight they will thank us for it.
This we know to be true
7th July 2010
King Arthur Pendragon
Titular Head and Chosen Chief
Loyal Arthurian Warband
L /|\ W
John Glen MP (Salisbury)
3rd July 2010
Re your letter of 2nd July 2010
Ref /LL/Stonehenge
Hail John,
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
I find the Ministers response wholly unacceptable and quite frankly an insult to my (if not your) intelligence. He has failed to reassure me over a single point and has in fact told me nothing I did not know, save the duration of the extension to the licence sought, which mysteriously has gone from two to five years since I was informed of the original application by both Sheffield University and his Dept’.
In his sixth, and repeated in your second paragraph he asserts that due consideration will be given to any opposition to the deferring re-interment. His Dept’ have however said all along that there is no mechanism in place for the stating of any such opposition.
Who then speaks for The Great British Ancestors? And what right of address and recourse do they have?
Quoting, from a flawed survey by EH he states as fact that the Great British public are behind the scientific community (which it self is split on this issue). What then of the thousands of signatories to our petition, who speaks for them?
When we met over this issue, I went to some lengths to explain how reasonable we had been throughout our campaign and how we had gained the respect of a large section of the Scientific community and members of many differing faiths and Nations, and how this was an International issue of some importance.
So, I ask again, who speaks for the Great British Ancestors? Not the Dept’ of Justice, Not English Heritage and Not Sheffield University.
I hold them equally culpable for the wonton vandalisation and Desecration of a world Heritage site and vehemently oppose any extension to the terms of the current licence.
I see it as the Druids duty to speak for the Great British Ancestors and will, in concert with my colleges seek redress from the decision making policy that allows this unacceptable position to continue.
This is, as I have said a World wide issue and believe me, it is now my intention to bring it to the attention of the worlds press.
I thank you again for your assistance in this matter and would ask that you pass my comments on to the Minister with some urgency as the clock is very much ticking on the expiry of the original licence, and I fear the Dept’ of Justice compounding the problem and leaving me with no option other than that of legal redress, through Judicial review, UNESCO and the European Court.
Arthur Pendragon
Council of British Druid Order
17th June 2010
Those who would be a Knight and follow a King. Through the post Thatcher wastelands of Tory Britain, into the unknown and uncertainty of 2012 and beyond. Join me at the Hele Stone, Summer Solstice Stonehenge 2010. Swear to the ancient virtues of Truth, of Honour and of Justice and rise up anew as a member of the fellowship of the Table Round. and a Knight or Warrior Priestess of the Loyal Arthurian Warband, for we are the LAW.....
King Arthur Pendragon
Battle chieftain Council of British Druid Order /|"
3rd June 2010
Stonehenge - prohibition of driving - update from Wiltshire Council
Further to previous correspondence I am able to inform you that a report on the above proposal has now been considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport who has approved that a non-statutory Public Inquiry into the proposed Traffic Regulation Order should be held.
The proposed Traffic Regulation Order covers only the section of the A344 from Airman's Corner to Byway 12. The remainder of the A344 from Byway 12 to Stonehenge Bottom will be subject to a stopping up application by English Heritage under Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act to the Secretary of State once planning permission has been granted. Planning permission is dependent on the completion of an agreement with Wiltshire Council relating to off-site highway works associated with the new visitor centre. Depending on the objections made, the Secretary of State may direct English Heritage to hold a separate inquiry into the Section 247 application. As the Traffic Regulation Order is dependent on the Section 247 Order, the Traffic Regulation Order inquiry will follow the Section 247 inquiry (probably straight away) should it prove necessary and hence it is not possible to predict with any certainty at this stage when the Traffic Regulation Order inquiry is likely to be held.
This decision may be accessed via the Internet at http://cms.wiltshire.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?ID=192. The report reference is HT–013 10.
A full paper copy of the report can be obtained by contacting the below quoting the above reference.
Yours sincerely
Kate Davey
Senior Traffic Order Technician
Department of Neighbourhood & Planning
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Tel: 01225 756573
Fax: 01225 713207
[email protected]
Please note: My working days are Tuesday & Wednesday "
6th April 2010
Tired of the men in suits, They're all as bad as each other, Nothing to chose between them.
Not this time, Not in Salisbury anyway.
King Arthur Pendragon, Senior Druid and Enviromental Activist plans to stand as an Independent in the upcoming General Election.
The Revolution starts here at Stonehenge, the Heart of Brirain. By For and Of the People.
Arthur will be standing against the Party politicians as a Free thinking Independent, advocating a wide range of reforms to our jaded political system. For more information see ‘Vote Pendragon’
20th January 2010
It has just been announced that the planned Visitors Centre for Stonehenge in Wiltshire has been approved. This is something that Arthur Pendragon, Titular Head and Chosen Chief of the Loyal Arthurian Warband, picketed about for almost a year at Stonehenge. Arthur is very pleased with the result!!
For personal interview with Arthur Pendragon please contact him on 07840277812
3rd December 2009
As Robert Key MP (Salisbury) announces his retirement, the way is opened for a fully democratic election. Arthur Pendragon is proud to confirm he will be standing as an Independent Candidate for the Salisbury Constituency. One thing is certain, Salisbury will have a new MP! Arthur is looking forward to the election and meeting with his prospective candidates.
Arthur would like to wish Robert a long and happy retirement.
The Loyal Arthurian Warband Press Office on behalf of King Arthur Pendragon /|\
(Arthur can be contacted directly on 07840277812)
5th November 2009
Letter to Wiltshire Council Planning dept
Mr T Madge
Planning Dept
Wiltshire Council
Re: Proposed Vehicular Closure of Byway 12, Netheravon Cattle Drove
I wish to oppose the change of use under Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
As it is used four times a year ( solstices and equinoxes) as a parking and gathering point for Religious Observances *
* Supported evidence can be provided
Arthur Rex
King Arthur Pendragon
Senior Druid and Pagan Priest
Proposed Independent Parliamentary Candidate for Salisbury
The above, as well as all my contact details have today been stamped and filed with Wiltshire Council Planning Dept.
As an amusing footnote to the above, when I took this in today (5th Nov) , it was date stamped yesterday (4th Nov) , I went back in time!!
Please submit your own objections to the proposed closure of the Drove to Wiltshire Council. There will be public consultation shortly and that information will be put up on Facebook/website etc as soon as I have it
Blessed Be /|\ Arthur
24th April 2009
Arthur was served papers today to appear in Salisbury County Court this Monday (27/4/09) at 11am. Wiltshire CC has applied to have him evicted from The Drove. He believes this is to prevent him from his lawful protest at Stonehenge. He will be contesting this case on Monday and require as many robed druids, witches and support as possible. Please come along to show your support. Media will be notified and hopefully present.
Salisbury CC
Alexandra House
St John Street
Salisbury Wiltshire
25th March 2009
King Arthur Pendragon has been picketing Stonehenge since the Summer Solstice of 2008 in protest at the wilful lack of action, mis-management and neglect since the 1950s of the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge by English Heritage and the British government.
A spokesperson from EH has now informed Arthur that due to the delayed decision making by the DCMS Minister, and failure to apply for planning permission in time, the deadline has now been missed for completion of the whole project including the new Visitor Centre in time for the 2012 Olympics and will therefore, once again, be shelved!
In firm response, Arthur wishes it be known that he will now step up his peaceful campaign due to this news of the intention of both English Heritage and the British Government to renege on their promises to protect the temple/monument.
Ironically, English Heritage have announced a campaign to protect historical buildings in conservation areas and are creating a Doomsday Book listing of these - what a disgrace that they have failed to protect Stonehenge for so long!
Contact info:
King Arthur Pendragon - 07840 277 812
DCMS - Department of Culture Media & Sports, 02072 116 200
English Heritage, Peter Carson, Stonehenge Office, 01722 343 830
English Heritage, Lorraine Knowles, Project Officer, 0117 975 0736
English Heritage, Renee Fock, Press Office, 0207 973 3297
Conservation Doomsday Book link -
9th February 2009
King Arthur Pendragon is still encamped at Stonehenge, Wilts, UK where he has been protesting since last Summer Solstice 2008.
Throughout all weathers, the Senior Druid who proposes to stand for Parliament, as an Independent Candidate for Salisbury, no longer the 'Stonehenge Picket' but silent witness to the deceits and inadequacies of our Government which promised an announcement over plans for Stonehenge by the end of last year.'
Arthur Pendragon
27th January 2009
DRUID WARS. There are NO druid wars. Just two very distinct types of druids and a few pretenders. There are the 'real' druids who likened to their ancient forbearers, will rant and rage at the authorities. And there are the 'new age' druids who will sit at and wait for crumbs from the masters table. Personally, I sit at no table other than own and that table is Round, where all druids are equal.
Arthur Pendragon
Battle Chieftain of CoBDO
23rd October 2008
Funds are desperately needed to support The Stonehenge Picket and Arthur’s Political Campaign.
Arthur has neither income nor savings and has maxed out his credit facilities on the Stonehenge Picket.
As a published author, MENSA member and accomplished speaker, Arthur is available for a fee (plus expenses) to attend your event as an after-dinner speaker, provide lectures on modern paganism, druidry, protest and other related matters
20th October 2008
The Stonehenge Picket
King Arthur Pendragon, has collected thousands of signatures from tourists at Stonehenge from around the Globe, petitioning UNESCO to hold our Government to its promise of road improvement and Free Open access to the Monument/Temple.
English Heritage has pledged to make an announcement by the end of the year as to their plans for future development. Undaunted by the cold and wet and the onset of winter on Salisbury plane, Arthur has vowed to continue the Picket until they do so.
9th October 2008
At the Round Table meeting today Arthur refused to paper over the cracks and spoke of the differences between the Elitist Druids who believe they have some God/ess given right to Stonehenge and the Peoples' druids like Rollo, Arthur and Tim before them, who stood and stand 3 square and 10 behind the People. Arthur pledged to continue and to stand firm in his inclusive Philosophy.
© Loyal Arthurian Warband
2nd November 2010
Today the Ministry of Justice granted a five year extension to Archaeologists working on the Riverside project at Stonehenge to retain the cremated human remains, known as the Guardians for scientific research despite fierce opposition from the Druids, most notably from King Arthur Pendragon who has waged a two year campaign at Stonehenge for their return.
King Arthur today vowed to continue his vigil at Stonehenge until ‘The Great British Ancestors’ are returned, to what should have been their final resting place. Let those we lay to rest stay to rest, his Battlecry and let us Honour our Ancient Dead and not desecrate their Temple and our Pagan Cathedral of Stonehenge.
Arthur Pendragon /|\
25th October 2010
THE DRUID WAY - (originally written for regional press)
Now The Druids have been recognised as a religion by the charities commission perhaps it’s about time we learned more, here King Arthur explains their belief structure.
The Druids were in ancient times, Priests, Healers, Law givers and advisers and in modern times we continue that tradition and in the modern interpretation and the one used by the charities commission we are a branch of Paganism, or as many see it simply ‘a Pagan priest’ and a Pagan, the word derived from the Latin root, meaning simply of the country.
It figures therefore that we should be seen to ‘worship’ nature. It’s not however, so much that we worship nature, but see the Divine in all her splendour and celebrate the seasons and what we refer to as the turning of the wheel. Eight festivals in total, four agricultural and four Solar. Noting and celebrating also the lunar cycle.
Perhaps the best known of these are the solar festivals, the longest, the shortest, and the two equal days. Mid-winter, Mid-summer, Spring and Autumn.
We try as best we can to be a part of nature as apposed to apart from nature and see the Majesty in Thunder and Storm, as well as Bud and Stem, Seeing also divine spirit in mountain and stream.
Druid Ceremonies are in essence our way of thanking the God/Goddess and Gods for the splendour of nature that supports life, we thank the Sun for its life giving warmth and the Earth for her bounty. We thank the Spirits of the place, and we Honour the ancestors who went before us and were our forbears.
Like many faiths, we believe in an afterlife and in personal responsibility, living by our own code of honour and respect, we hold all life as sacred.
There is nothing strange or secret about our faith, nor is it new, practiced in these Isles since ‘time in memorial’. We respect the Christian, the Buddhist, the Muslim and the Jew, and all others for their beliefs and ask for no more or less for ours.
Arthur Pendragon /|\
Senior Druid and Pagan Priest
9th October 2010
The Ego
Hail, I for one am getting thoroughly fed up with the negative connotations put on The Ego, and how it is used as some kind of Whipping implement, to be fired at will. Used as an all knowing, all inclusive insult to any and every individual who stands out or up, for his/her or our beliefs, or in some other way, to be counted.
“It’s all about Ego” invariable muttered by those who’s Ego’s are not stroked enough, and those ‘armchair Warriors’ who can’t, won’t, and certainly don’t get out there and do it themselves.
When people put their head above the parapet they may expect to have it shot off, but not to be decapitated from the rear.
As a self proclaimed ‘media tart’ and a ‘front man’ for many causes and known to the press and the authorities as ‘the nutter who thinks he’s King Arthur’ my words incidentally, not theirs. I have as big an Ego as most, bigger than many, but it’s what you use the ego for, it’s what you do with it like any tool, it’s there to be used. Not to be confused with self confidence or charisma the ego is a weapon in our arsenal that can and often is used to great effect.
We should not hold people up, just to knock them down, and often what is mistaken for ego and egotistical behaviour is duty and ability, ‘those that can, do, and those that can’t teach’ well, it seems that those who can do neither simply ‘Bitch’ and complain that those who can and do, who it seems are in someway hogging the limelight.
For many years I have used my infamy and notoriety to gain the attention of the press and thereby the wider public and to deflect that interest to the wider issues, as have many of my friends and colleges in the Druid community. So let’s have less knocking and more support for the People who try and often succeed to, make a difference.
King Arthur Pendragon /|\
7th October 2010
Made on behalf of CoBDO as their Battlechieftain
"The Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO), would like to make the following statement, in the wake of recent news that the Druid Network has gained charitable status.
CoBDO recently investigated the parameters surrounding registration with the Charities Commission for itself.
CoBDO subsequently withdrew its own application for charitable status, on learning that the only "recognition" of religious practices offered by the Charities Commission, consisted of tax free advantage on income of above £5.000.
CoBDO does not have an income itself, and has little sympathy with the practice of charging money for druidry. We are a spiritual organization, not a commercial one, and will continue to seek religious recognition through public ceremonies and events."
30th September 2010
King Arthur
Is a Political Activist and Proposed Independent Parliamentary Candidate To Date he has ‘run’ in Local, County and Parliamentary elections, Standing for Aldershot (twice) Winchester and Salisbury in the General Election. Successfully taken, Wiltshire Constabulary, The Home Office and H.M. Government through Judicial review and the European Court. He neither signs on nor claims state benefit but relies in stead on donations to fund his many campaigns.
Currently he is spearheading the campaign for the return of ‘The Guardians’, ancient cremated Human remains removed from Stonehenge. If you would like to make a donation to help fund this and other campaigns please do so. He could of course ‘get a job’ and leave the campaigning to someone else, but that’s not in his nature is it? Thanks for your continued support.
10th September 2010
Lords, Ladies, Brothers and Sisters, Men and women of Wales step forward.
Grove Leaders and regional Coordinators for North and South Wales are about to be appointed.
If you have been beneath the Sword of Britain and have sworn to the Ancient virtues of Truth, of Honour and of Justice and reside in Wales, Step forward.
If you would be a Knight, male or female, and would follow a King and reside in Wales - Step forward.
Email Arthur [email protected]
And Stand and be Counted
26th August 2010
Reorganisation & Restructure of Loyal Arthurian Warband 2010
To face the challenges ahead and to be seen to 'act' with one coherent voice it has become necessary to reorganise and restructure our Orders and Groves, and in order to play a more active role in future to appoint new Officers and posts where applicable. Officers and Grove leaders, will no longer be able to hold Office in other Orders, (save their own) outside of LAW, this is to avoid any conflict of interest as has resulted in the past. Although individual members may of course belong to as many different groups as they so wish.
New appointments
Applications are invited from LAW members, who have 'been beneath the Sword' to lead and co-ordinate newly formed Warband Groves, County by County, and where appropriate, site by site. A directory of these groves and contacts will be available on our web site. And the leaders of these newly formed 'Groves' will be invited to join a newly formed 'Round Table' Forum and discussion group.
Email Arthur in the first instance at [email protected] if you are up to the challenge and prepared to devote some of your time and energies to this project
Senior Officers
Such as Arch Druid/ess, Battle Chieftain, and High Priest/ess will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time. They will likewise be invited to join the 'Round Table' Forum, which it is envisaged will become 'The War Cabinet' for the Battles to come.
Administrative Officers
Such as Web Master, Press Officer, and Facebook Admin will be retained and their responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time,
The Arthurian Warband Environmental News is to be resurrected and a Chief Head Hitter (editor) has been appointed, it is envisaged that the first Electronic edition will be 'on line' for the Autumn equinox and it will be published eight times a year, contributions from the LAW for this publication will be welcome.
King Arthur Pendragon Titular head and Chosen Chief Loyal Arthurian Warband
13th July 2010
An open letter to the worlds press
The dept’ of Justice in the UK are about to pass Judgment on ‘The Guardians’ of Stonehenge, the cremated Human remains, taken for scientific analysis in 2008 and now the subject of an application before them to extend this work for a further five years. Arrayed against them the full might of the Druid Priests.
“Who then speaks for The Great British Ancestors? And what right of address and recourse do they have?
They are the founding Fathers of this once Green and pleasant Land. The Great British Ancestors who forged our pre-Christian nation. They are our saints, for whom our Great Temple of Stonehenge was erected. Their remains where placed around the temple in perpetuity as ‘Boundary Guardians’.
Quoting, from a flawed survey by EH The Minister of Justice states as fact that the Great British public are behind the scientific community (which it self is split on this issue). What then of the thousands of signatories to our petition, to return them, who speaks for them?
So, I ask again, who speaks for the Great British Ancestors?
Not the Dept’ of Justice, Not English Heritage and Not Sheffield University.
I hold them equally culpable for the wonton vandalisation and Desecration of a world Heritage site and vehemently oppose any extension to the terms of the current licence.
I see it as the Druids duty to speak for the Great British Ancestors and will, in concert with my colleges seek redress from the decision making policy that allows this unacceptable position to continue.
This is, as I have said a World wide issue and believe me, it is now my intention to bring it to the attention of the worlds press.”
Arthur Pendragon
Stonehenge Picket
Battlechieftain Council of British Druid Orders
Loyal Arthurian Warband Policy Statement
No longer can the Druids and Pagans stand by and watch the wonton destruction and desecration of Our once Green and pleasant land to the alters of corporate profit and science.
Not only will we support those who oppose such destruction up the trees, on the ground and below the ground, but we will also fight any such destruction through the courts and through the ballot box.
What we do, we do not for ourselves, or to oppose them but for their children and their children’s children, in the sure and certain knowledge that in the fullness of time and with the benefit of hindsight they will thank us for it.
This we know to be true
7th July 2010
King Arthur Pendragon
Titular Head and Chosen Chief
Loyal Arthurian Warband
L /|\ W
John Glen MP (Salisbury)
3rd July 2010
Re your letter of 2nd July 2010
Ref /LL/Stonehenge
Hail John,
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
I find the Ministers response wholly unacceptable and quite frankly an insult to my (if not your) intelligence. He has failed to reassure me over a single point and has in fact told me nothing I did not know, save the duration of the extension to the licence sought, which mysteriously has gone from two to five years since I was informed of the original application by both Sheffield University and his Dept’.
In his sixth, and repeated in your second paragraph he asserts that due consideration will be given to any opposition to the deferring re-interment. His Dept’ have however said all along that there is no mechanism in place for the stating of any such opposition.
Who then speaks for The Great British Ancestors? And what right of address and recourse do they have?
Quoting, from a flawed survey by EH he states as fact that the Great British public are behind the scientific community (which it self is split on this issue). What then of the thousands of signatories to our petition, who speaks for them?
When we met over this issue, I went to some lengths to explain how reasonable we had been throughout our campaign and how we had gained the respect of a large section of the Scientific community and members of many differing faiths and Nations, and how this was an International issue of some importance.
So, I ask again, who speaks for the Great British Ancestors? Not the Dept’ of Justice, Not English Heritage and Not Sheffield University.
I hold them equally culpable for the wonton vandalisation and Desecration of a world Heritage site and vehemently oppose any extension to the terms of the current licence.
I see it as the Druids duty to speak for the Great British Ancestors and will, in concert with my colleges seek redress from the decision making policy that allows this unacceptable position to continue.
This is, as I have said a World wide issue and believe me, it is now my intention to bring it to the attention of the worlds press.
I thank you again for your assistance in this matter and would ask that you pass my comments on to the Minister with some urgency as the clock is very much ticking on the expiry of the original licence, and I fear the Dept’ of Justice compounding the problem and leaving me with no option other than that of legal redress, through Judicial review, UNESCO and the European Court.
Arthur Pendragon
Council of British Druid Order
17th June 2010
Those who would be a Knight and follow a King. Through the post Thatcher wastelands of Tory Britain, into the unknown and uncertainty of 2012 and beyond. Join me at the Hele Stone, Summer Solstice Stonehenge 2010. Swear to the ancient virtues of Truth, of Honour and of Justice and rise up anew as a member of the fellowship of the Table Round. and a Knight or Warrior Priestess of the Loyal Arthurian Warband, for we are the LAW.....
King Arthur Pendragon
Battle chieftain Council of British Druid Order /|"
3rd June 2010
Stonehenge - prohibition of driving - update from Wiltshire Council
Further to previous correspondence I am able to inform you that a report on the above proposal has now been considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport who has approved that a non-statutory Public Inquiry into the proposed Traffic Regulation Order should be held.
The proposed Traffic Regulation Order covers only the section of the A344 from Airman's Corner to Byway 12. The remainder of the A344 from Byway 12 to Stonehenge Bottom will be subject to a stopping up application by English Heritage under Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act to the Secretary of State once planning permission has been granted. Planning permission is dependent on the completion of an agreement with Wiltshire Council relating to off-site highway works associated with the new visitor centre. Depending on the objections made, the Secretary of State may direct English Heritage to hold a separate inquiry into the Section 247 application. As the Traffic Regulation Order is dependent on the Section 247 Order, the Traffic Regulation Order inquiry will follow the Section 247 inquiry (probably straight away) should it prove necessary and hence it is not possible to predict with any certainty at this stage when the Traffic Regulation Order inquiry is likely to be held.
This decision may be accessed via the Internet at http://cms.wiltshire.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?ID=192. The report reference is HT–013 10.
A full paper copy of the report can be obtained by contacting the below quoting the above reference.
Yours sincerely
Kate Davey
Senior Traffic Order Technician
Department of Neighbourhood & Planning
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Tel: 01225 756573
Fax: 01225 713207
[email protected]
Please note: My working days are Tuesday & Wednesday "
6th April 2010
Tired of the men in suits, They're all as bad as each other, Nothing to chose between them.
Not this time, Not in Salisbury anyway.
King Arthur Pendragon, Senior Druid and Enviromental Activist plans to stand as an Independent in the upcoming General Election.
The Revolution starts here at Stonehenge, the Heart of Brirain. By For and Of the People.
Arthur will be standing against the Party politicians as a Free thinking Independent, advocating a wide range of reforms to our jaded political system. For more information see ‘Vote Pendragon’
20th January 2010
It has just been announced that the planned Visitors Centre for Stonehenge in Wiltshire has been approved. This is something that Arthur Pendragon, Titular Head and Chosen Chief of the Loyal Arthurian Warband, picketed about for almost a year at Stonehenge. Arthur is very pleased with the result!!
For personal interview with Arthur Pendragon please contact him on 07840277812
3rd December 2009
As Robert Key MP (Salisbury) announces his retirement, the way is opened for a fully democratic election. Arthur Pendragon is proud to confirm he will be standing as an Independent Candidate for the Salisbury Constituency. One thing is certain, Salisbury will have a new MP! Arthur is looking forward to the election and meeting with his prospective candidates.
Arthur would like to wish Robert a long and happy retirement.
The Loyal Arthurian Warband Press Office on behalf of King Arthur Pendragon /|\
(Arthur can be contacted directly on 07840277812)
5th November 2009
Letter to Wiltshire Council Planning dept
Mr T Madge
Planning Dept
Wiltshire Council
Re: Proposed Vehicular Closure of Byway 12, Netheravon Cattle Drove
I wish to oppose the change of use under Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
As it is used four times a year ( solstices and equinoxes) as a parking and gathering point for Religious Observances *
* Supported evidence can be provided
Arthur Rex
King Arthur Pendragon
Senior Druid and Pagan Priest
Proposed Independent Parliamentary Candidate for Salisbury
The above, as well as all my contact details have today been stamped and filed with Wiltshire Council Planning Dept.
As an amusing footnote to the above, when I took this in today (5th Nov) , it was date stamped yesterday (4th Nov) , I went back in time!!
Please submit your own objections to the proposed closure of the Drove to Wiltshire Council. There will be public consultation shortly and that information will be put up on Facebook/website etc as soon as I have it
Blessed Be /|\ Arthur
24th April 2009
Arthur was served papers today to appear in Salisbury County Court this Monday (27/4/09) at 11am. Wiltshire CC has applied to have him evicted from The Drove. He believes this is to prevent him from his lawful protest at Stonehenge. He will be contesting this case on Monday and require as many robed druids, witches and support as possible. Please come along to show your support. Media will be notified and hopefully present.
Salisbury CC
Alexandra House
St John Street
Salisbury Wiltshire
25th March 2009
King Arthur Pendragon has been picketing Stonehenge since the Summer Solstice of 2008 in protest at the wilful lack of action, mis-management and neglect since the 1950s of the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge by English Heritage and the British government.
A spokesperson from EH has now informed Arthur that due to the delayed decision making by the DCMS Minister, and failure to apply for planning permission in time, the deadline has now been missed for completion of the whole project including the new Visitor Centre in time for the 2012 Olympics and will therefore, once again, be shelved!
In firm response, Arthur wishes it be known that he will now step up his peaceful campaign due to this news of the intention of both English Heritage and the British Government to renege on their promises to protect the temple/monument.
Ironically, English Heritage have announced a campaign to protect historical buildings in conservation areas and are creating a Doomsday Book listing of these - what a disgrace that they have failed to protect Stonehenge for so long!
Contact info:
King Arthur Pendragon - 07840 277 812
DCMS - Department of Culture Media & Sports, 02072 116 200
English Heritage, Peter Carson, Stonehenge Office, 01722 343 830
English Heritage, Lorraine Knowles, Project Officer, 0117 975 0736
English Heritage, Renee Fock, Press Office, 0207 973 3297
Conservation Doomsday Book link -
9th February 2009
King Arthur Pendragon is still encamped at Stonehenge, Wilts, UK where he has been protesting since last Summer Solstice 2008.
Throughout all weathers, the Senior Druid who proposes to stand for Parliament, as an Independent Candidate for Salisbury, no longer the 'Stonehenge Picket' but silent witness to the deceits and inadequacies of our Government which promised an announcement over plans for Stonehenge by the end of last year.'
Arthur Pendragon
27th January 2009
DRUID WARS. There are NO druid wars. Just two very distinct types of druids and a few pretenders. There are the 'real' druids who likened to their ancient forbearers, will rant and rage at the authorities. And there are the 'new age' druids who will sit at and wait for crumbs from the masters table. Personally, I sit at no table other than own and that table is Round, where all druids are equal.
Arthur Pendragon
Battle Chieftain of CoBDO
23rd October 2008
Funds are desperately needed to support The Stonehenge Picket and Arthur’s Political Campaign.
Arthur has neither income nor savings and has maxed out his credit facilities on the Stonehenge Picket.
As a published author, MENSA member and accomplished speaker, Arthur is available for a fee (plus expenses) to attend your event as an after-dinner speaker, provide lectures on modern paganism, druidry, protest and other related matters
20th October 2008
The Stonehenge Picket
King Arthur Pendragon, has collected thousands of signatures from tourists at Stonehenge from around the Globe, petitioning UNESCO to hold our Government to its promise of road improvement and Free Open access to the Monument/Temple.
English Heritage has pledged to make an announcement by the end of the year as to their plans for future development. Undaunted by the cold and wet and the onset of winter on Salisbury plane, Arthur has vowed to continue the Picket until they do so.
9th October 2008
At the Round Table meeting today Arthur refused to paper over the cracks and spoke of the differences between the Elitist Druids who believe they have some God/ess given right to Stonehenge and the Peoples' druids like Rollo, Arthur and Tim before them, who stood and stand 3 square and 10 behind the People. Arthur pledged to continue and to stand firm in his inclusive Philosophy.
© Loyal Arthurian Warband